No building shall be erected, moved, externally altered, added to, or have any change in use which would affect its approved off-street parking, landscaping, or other requirements, and no building or land shall be used, nor shall any building, grading or occupancy permit be issued, except in accordance with a plan approved under this section. Special use permits, site condominium projects, and planned unit developments shall also obtain site plan review. All public and governmental facilities shall submit site plans to the Village for review under this chapter. Single-family detached structures shall not be subject to site plan review under this section.
The following procedures shall apply:
(a) Site plans with five or less parking spaces. The Zoning Administrator shall review and approve in accordance with the standards for site plan approval (Section 1296.06). The Zoning Administrator may require review and approval by the Planning Commission based on the land use intensity of the proposed use.
(b) Site plans with more than five parking spaces. The Planning Commission shall review and approve in accordance with the standards for site plan approval (Section 1296.06).
The intent of the conceptual site plan is to minimize errors and improve communication of ordinance requirements prior to the official submission of the regular site plan. This voluntary submission enables the applicant to communicate informally with the Planning Commission and receive information which will improve the quality of the final site plan.
(Ord. 99-5. Passed 7-12-99.)
Prior to approving a site plan submitted under this chapter, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission may obtain the review and recommendations of the County Drain Commissioner, the Village Street Administrator, the appropriate public health official, and any other appropriate technical reviews.
(Ord. 99-5. Passed 7-12-99.)
(a) Application. The owner or designated agent shall file an application requesting site plan review with the Zoning Administrator on a special form designed for that purpose. The application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fees as established by the Village of Dimondale and the various agencies having jurisdiction.
(b) Site Plan. Each application for site plan review shall be accompanied by a site plan. The site plan shall consist of a scale drawing of not less than one inch equals forty feet for parcels less than three acres and one inch equals 100 feet for parcels three acres or more. The site plan may also be of a scale acceptable to the Zoning Administrator. Three copies shall be submitted to the Village. The drawing shall also include:
(1) North arrow and property dimensions, the date prepared and the name and address of the preparer.
(2) Existing and proposed topography at contour levels of not more than two feet and a site drainage plan.
(3) Zoning classifications of the subject property and all adjacent properties.
(4) Existing public and/or private rights-of-way and easements.
(5) Watercourses and water bodies, including surface drainage ways, within 500 feet of the subject property.
(6) Accurate location of abutting streets and proposed alignment of streets, drives, and easements serving the development.
(7) Accurate location and use of all existing and proposed structures and the intended uses thereof, lot lines, including setbacks from property lines, and dimensions.
(8) Location and design of parking areas in compliance with this Zoning Code.
(9) Location of water supply, wastewater systems, and all other utilities (existing and proposed).
(10) Proposed location of common open spaces and facilities, if applicable.
(11) Proposed location of accessory buildings and uses, including signs.
(12) Proposed landscape plan and significant existing vegetation.
(13) Proposed location of refuse receptacles.
(14) Recorded legal description and property tax I.D. number of the subject property.
(15) Any other information which the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission may reasonably require of the applicant.
(Ord. 99-5. Passed 7-12-99.)
In reviewing an application for site plan review, the following standards shall apply:
(a) The site shall be developed so as not to impede the normal and orderly development or improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in this chapter.
(b) All buildings or groups of buildings shall be so arranged to permit emergency vehicle access by some practical means to all sites.
(c) Every structure or dwelling unit shall have access to a public street, walkway or other area dedicated to common use.
(d) Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that removal of surface waters will not adversely affect neighboring properties or the Village storm drainage system.
(e) Provisions shall be made for the construction of storm sewer facilities, including grading, gutters, piping and treatment of turf, to manage storm water, and to prevent erosion and the formation of dust. Surface water on all paved areas shall be collected at intervals so that it will not obstruct the flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic or create puddles in paved areas.
(f) Secondary containment for above-ground areas where regulated hazardous substances are stored or used shall be provided and shall be sufficient to store the substance for the maximum anticipated period of time necessary for the recovery of any released substances.
(g) General purpose floor drains shall only be allowed if they are approved by the responsible agency for connection to a public sewer system, an on-site closed holding tank (not a septic system), or regulated through a State of Michigan groundwater discharge permit.
(h) State and Federal agency requirements for storage, spill prevention, recordkeeping, emergency response, transport and disposal of hazardous substances shall be met. No discharges to groundwater, including direct and indirect discharges, shall be allowed without permits and approvals.
(i) All refuse receptacles shall be screened from casual view from the public rights-of-way and adjoining land uses.
(j) All landscape requirements of Section 1296.08 shall be met.
(k) The site plan shall meet all requirements of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 99-5. Passed 7-12-99.)
(a) Intent. It is the intent of this section to require landscape buffers and screening to reduce negative effects between incompatible land uses; to provide landscaping within parking areas; and to enhance aesthetic qualities, character, privacy, and land values in the Village. Landscape plans shall preserve, to the extent practical, the existing vegetation on the site.
(b) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) Fence. A fence means any wall (except a retaining wall), screen, partition or similar structure existing on a yard or parcel of land, which structure encloses land, divides land into distinct portions, separates contiguous properties, obstructs the passage of light or air into adjacent land or obstructs the vision of motorists or pedestrians on or near public roads. Barbed wire shall not be considered part of a fence for purposes of determining the height thereof.
(2) Landscaping. Landscaping means an arrangement of elements which may include plant materials such as trees, shrubs, ground covers, perennial and annual plants; landscape elements such as rocks, water features, fences, screens, walls, paving materials, and site lighting; and site furnishings such as benches, drinking fountains, trash receptacles, and planters for aesthetic and functional purposes.
(3) Screen. A screen means a fence, landscaping, berm, or combination thereof that obscures the view from one site to another to a reasonable extent.
(4) Buffer. A buffer means a strip of land or space, including a specified type and amount of planting or structures, which may be required to protect or screen one type of land use from another, or minimize or eliminate conflicts between them.
(Ord. 99-5. Passed 7-12-99.)