General Provisions
153.001 Short title
153.002 Definitions
153.003 Zoning affects every building and use
153.004 Only one principal building on any lot
153.005 Reduction of lot size prohibited; every lot shall abut a street or alley
153.006 Lots of record of insufficient size
153.007 Supplementary yard regulations
153.008 Exceptions to height limits
153.009 Accessory structures
153.010 Group housing projects
153.011 Thoroughfare setback provisions
153.012 Obstructions to vision at street intersection
153.013 Development standards
153.014 Storm water detention
153.015 Adaptive reuse of historic buildings
153.016 Fences in residential districts
153.017 Swimming pools
153.018 Manufactured/mobile homes
Zones Established; Regulations
153.020 Town divided into enumerated zones
153.021 Zoning map; zone boundaries adopted; rules where uncertainty exists
153.022 R-15, R-12, R-10 and R-6 zones: Single-family residential
153.023 RMF: Multi-family district
153.024 RMF-H: High density multi-family district
153.025 Cluster development overlay district
153.026 R-8 and R-6 zones: Single family residential
153.027 R-5 Single Family Residential
153.028 O and I-1 zones: Office and institutional
153.029 Reserved
153.030 Reserved
153.031 BC-1 zone: Shopping center
153.032 B-1 zones: Neighborhood business
153.033 B-2 zones: Highway business
153.034 B-3 zone: Central business
153.035 B-3P zone: Central business district perimeter
153.036 Reserved
153.037 Reserved
153.038 I-2 zones: General industrial
153.039 Reserved
153.040 Reserved
153.041 Reserved
153.042 Off-street parking requirements
153.043 Special permit for off- street parking in residential zones
153.044 Off-street loading and unloading requirements
153.045 Density credits
153.046 Planned residential developments
153.047 Planned unit developments
153.048 Traditional neighborhood developments
153.049 Application requirements and review procedures
153.050 Supplemental use regulations
153.060 Outdoor screening of motor vehicles and used appliances
153.061 Maintenance of required screens
153.062 Grace period
153.063 Screening and landscaping
153.064 Conflict
Conditional Districts and Special Use Permits
153.070 Intent
153.071 Reserved
153.072 Conditional districts; application, permitted uses and development requirements
153.073 Development agreements
153.074 Conditional use permits; application, procedures, findings and conditions
Sign Regulations
153.080 Signs not requiring a permit
153.081 Prohibited signs
153.082 Flashing, moving and electronic variable message (EVM) signs
153.083 Schedule of sign regulations
153.084 Advertising signs
153.085 Special sign regulations
153.086 B-3: Central Business Zone
153.087 B-2: Highway Business Zone
Communication Towers
153.090 Communication tower regulations
Planning Agency
153.100 Creation; term of office
153.101 Termination for non- attendance
153.102 Powers and duties
Board of Adjustment
153.110 Creation; term of office
153.111 Termination for non- attendance
153.112 Powers and duties
153.113 Variance and special use permits for non-conforming uses
Enforcement and Miscellaneous Provisions
153.120 Enforcement of chapter provisions
153.121 Effect upon outstanding building permits
153.122 Interpretations and intention of chapter provisions; conflicts with other ordinances
153.123 Amendments and changes
153.124 Notification of legislative hearings
153.125 Vested rights procedures
153.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Yard and Height Requirements for Residential Districts
Appendix B: Yard and Height Requirements for Business Districts
Appendix C: Permitted Uses Chart
Appendix D: Sign Regulations Schedule