Planned residential developments (PRD's) and planned unit developments may be allowed as a special use in certain zones. Rezoning property to a PUD district shall occur only under the conditional zoning process
   (A)   Site plan required when applying for a special use permit (SUP) for a planned residential development (PRD) or a planned unit development conditional rezoning. When a special use permit (SUP) is needed for a PRD or a rezoning is needed for a PUD, the applicant must first submit an application in accordance with the applicable procedures for that which the applicant is seeking approval. For either of said applications, a site plan shall be submitted which includes items listed in §§ 153.072 and 153.073 in addition to items listed here below:
      (1)   The existing and proposed uses of land within the planned development including the number of residential dwelling units and approximate square footage of nonresidential structures, and the existing uses of land adjoining the development;
      (2)   General locations of existing natural features of the site such as wooded areas, water features, and significant topographic features;
      (3)   The proposed street layout with approximate pavement and right-of-way width. This also shall include proposed traffic circulation plans and proposed ingress and egress on to adjacent streets;
      (4)   Existing property lines and approximate (sketch) locations of proposed property lines within the development showing all proposed lots or other divisions of land;
      (5)   Sketch conceptual building locations;
      (6)   The name, if any, of the proposed development; and
      (7)   Streets and lots of adjacent developed or platted properties.
The above site plan is submitted in lieu of the site plan required under subsections 17-262(a) or 17-293(a); provided however, in reviewing the application the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, or City Council may request additional information from the applicant in accordance with subsections 17-262(a) or 17-293(a). The site plan shall be prepared by an engineer, architect, landscape architect, or land surveyor currently licensed and/or registered by the appropriate state board or by a land planner. All other review procedures prior to the issuance of the SUP or approval of the PUD shall be in accordance with this chapter.
   (B)   Reserved.
   (C)   Formal plan submission. Following approval of the SUP or the PUD the applicant may submit his development plan to the City Engineer and the Zoning Administrator.
      (1)   The formal application shall contain all of the information set forth in division (A) above (for and in addition shall contain or be accompanied by the following information:
         (a)   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of all owners, mortgagees, registered land surveyors, land planners, architects, landscape architects, and professional engineers responsible for the planned development;
         (b)   The registration numbers and seals of the professional engineers or land surveyors;
         (c)   Locations of proposed property lines and proposed divisions of land within the development;
         (d)   For all proposed public streets and private streets within or adjoining the development the following information shall be shown:
            1.    Rights-of-way locations and dimensions;
            2.   Pavement widths;
            3.    Approximate grades;
            4.   Design engineering data for all corners and curves;
            5.   Typical street cross sections;
            6.   Road names and whether such roads are to be public or private;
         (e)   The location and dimensions of existing and proposed utilities;
         (f)   Location of any proposed recreation areas or facilities and other areas designated as, and meeting the requirement of, "improved common open space";
         (g)   The future users and ownership (dedication or reservation for public use to a governmental body, to a duly constituted homeowner's association, or remaining in ownership by the developer) of recreation and open space lands;
         (h)   Location and proposed use of any existing wooded areas within the development site;
         (i)   Existing and proposed topography at minimum five-foot elevation intervals;
         (j)   Marshes, swamps, rock outcrops, floodplain, ponds or lakes, streams or stream beds and any other natural features within or affecting the site;
         (k)   The name and location of any site or buildings within the proposed development or within any contiguous property that is listed on the U.S. Department of Interior's National Register of Historic Places, or designated as a Local Historic Property by Gaston County; and
         (l)   An erosion and sediment control plan, when required by state or local codes.
      (2)   Review and approval processes for development plans for PRD's and PUD's shall be as provided in chapter 18, subdivisions, of the Code of Ordinances and/or section 17-401, site plan review requirements of the zoning ordinance.
      (3)   The Planning Commission or City Council shall have the authority to approve the entire PRD or PUD, or portions thereof, so long as aggregate density of development of the approved portions does not exceed that which is allowed.
      (4)   The Planning Commission and/or City Council shall have the authority to review and approve the PRD/PUD simultaneously with any needed subdivision ordinance review.
(Ord. passed 7-11-2005; Am. Ord. passed - - )