Notification of required legislative hearing(s) shall be as follows:
   (A)   A notice shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the Town of Dallas once a week, for two successive weeks, the first notice to be published not less than ten days nor more than 25 days prior to the date established for the public hearing.
   (B)   A notice of the proposed zoning map change shall be sent by first class mail by the Administrator to the applicant and owners of all contiguous properties affected including those separated by a street, railroad, or other transportation corridor, and owners within five hundred (500) feet as indicated on the most up-to-date records of the Gaston County Tax Department at least ten but not greater than 25 days prior to the public hearing. To expand extraterritorial jurisdiction notice shall be mailed at least 30 days prior to the date of hearing. A single notice may be mailed at least 30 days prior for extraterritorial jurisdiction expansion in conjunction with zoning map amendment.
   (C)   The Administrator shall post at least one notice on the site proposed for rezoning or an adjacent public street or highway right-of-way, including those separated by a street, railroad, or other transportation corridor, at least ten days prior to the scheduled legislative hearing. Where multiple parcels are included within a proposed zoning map amendment, a posting on each individual parcel is not required, but the town shall post sufficient notices to provide reasonable notice to interested persons. Such notice shall state the nature of the public hearing and its date, time, and location at which it is to be held. The notice shall be removed only after final action has been taken on the matter. In lieu of any or all of this information to be contained on this posted notice, the notice may give a phone number where interested parties may call during normal business hours to get further information on the proposed amendment (the zoning administrator may relocate the placement of the sign(s) where the literal application of this provision would serve no meaningful purpose).
   (D)   Additional first class mail notice of any appeal made to the Board of Alderman from a decision by the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment shall be provided by the Administrator to any person who makes a written request for such notice during the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment hearing.
   (E)   Any public hearing notice published or mailed shall state the nature of the public hearing, the date, time, and place at which the hearing is to occur, and who to call and/or see for more information.
   (F)   The first class mail notice required may be waived if the zoning map amendment directly affects more than 50 properties, owned by a total of at least 50 different property owners. Under such circumstances, the town may elect to mail such first class notices or publish the notice of the hearing as required by G.S. 160D-601. Such advertisement shall not be less than one-half (½) of a newspaper page in size. The newspaper advertisement shall be effective only for property owners who reside in the area of general circulation of the newspaper that publishes the notice. Property owners who reside outside of the newspaper's circulation area, according to the address listed on the most recent property tax listing for the affected property, shall be notified by first class mail pursuant to this section. In addition to the newspaper notice, the Town shall post one or more prominent signs on or immediately adjacent to the subject area reasonably calculated to give public notice of the proposed rezoning.
(Ord. passed 1-14-2020; Am. Ord. passed - - )