Administration Generally
1301.01     Title.
1301.02     Relation to other laws; incorporation of State and CABO Building Codes.
1301.03     Purpose.
1301.04     Compliance required; variations.
1301.05     Nonconforming buildings; change of use or occupancy.
1301.06    Application.
1301.07    Other laws to apply when more restrictive.
1301.08    Saving clause.
1301.09    Removal of notices.
1301.10    Impersonating an employee.
1301.99    Penalty.
      Power to regulate building erection - see Ohio R. C. 715.26, 737.37
      Adoption of technical codes by reference - see Ohio R. C. 731.231
      Temporary stores - see BLDG. Ch. 1343
      CABO Building Code adopted- see BLDG. Ch. 1321
      Ohio Basic Building Code adopted - see BLDG. Ch. 1323
      Approval of swimming pool fences - see BLDG. 1333.02  
      Housing Code Administration - see BLDG. Ch. 1353