   2.901   Generally
   2.902   Definitions
   2.903   Rules
   2.904   Meals
   2.905   Travel process
   2.906   Per diem policy and tax reporting
   2.907   Means of travel
   2.908   Miscellaneous services
   2.909   Local travel
   2.910   Registration
   2.911   Miscellaneous
§ 2.901  GENERALLY.
   This policy instruction gives detailed information of the town’s travel policy, including the types of expenses and amounts allowable for reimbursement, substantiation required and procedures to be followed for the authorization and payment of travel expenses. This policy applies to all employees of the town.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 4-2-2018)
   For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACTUAL COST. Those costs which are supported by original documents such as cash register receipts, credit card receipts, hotel statement charges and other sufficient evidence of actual purchase provided by the party requesting reimbursement.
   PER DIEM. A monitory allowance given to an employee of the town to cover the cost of meals while traveling on a valid business purpose on behalf of the town. As used within this policy, PER DIEM and MEAL PER DIEM are equivalent terms. The PER DIEM rate is a fixed daily rate.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 4-2-2018)
§ 2.903  RULES.
   a.   All business travel, other than Mayor and/or Town Clerk, must receive prior approval of the Mayor and Town Clerk. All business travel for the Mayor must receive prior approval of the Mayor Pro Tem and Town Clerk. All business travel for the Town Clerk must receive prior approval of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem.
   b.   All travel should be planned in advance to take advantage of super-saver rates and hotel discounts if offered. Each department has a designated person to coordinate airline reservations with a travel agency. Department designees may make reservations, but should not purchase tickets prior to approval of the appropriate personnel listed in division a. above. Requisitions should be submitted in sufficient time to allow for approval and processing. Mode of travel will be that determined to be the safest and most cost-effective. Generally, travel that would take over four hours by automobile (approximately 250 miles) should be made by air. If a town vehicle is available, it should be used for shorter trips and/or those that will require a vehicle for business travel at the destination. If a personally owned vehicle is used for business travel, mileage will be reimbursed at the rate of $0.54 per mile and computed using the mileage as listed on a widely recognized mileage chart or documented odometer readings for the business portion of travel. Allowable mode of travel also includes a rental vehicle when it is demonstrated that this choice is either the most economical, the only available method, or provides some mutual benefit to both the town and the employee.
   c.   Under some circumstances where an employee travels during normal work hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) Monday through Friday or during those hours on Saturday or Sunday or, travel time shall be considered hours worked.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 4-2-2018)
§ 2.904  MEALS.
   a.   Actual costs of meals while on town business, including tips, are eligible for reimbursement up to per diem rate. The following are guidelines for meal reimbursement. It is expected that meals included in a registration fee will be used by the employee. Constraints such as time, dietary restrictions and/or other circumstances may preclude use of such prepaid meals. Therefore, in lieu of adding a 15% gratuity, the town will provide employees a per diem for all meals during such approved travel time.
      1.   Meal per diem policy. A per diem allowance may be given in lieu of actual costs (substantiated by receipts) to a traveler to cover meal expenses in connection with the performance of services for the town. The town will reimburse the lesser of actual or per diem.
      2.   Meal per diem procedure. Travelers who use per diem allowances are required to substantiate each meal expense. They must demonstrate that the trip occurred with a receipt such as an airline ticket or hotel receipts that indicate the dates of travel. For audit purposes, this documentation must be attached to the expense log and report copy and retained by the Finance Department for a period of three years.
   b.   The town pays a per diem rate for meal expenses as follows: per diem rate is provided for each meal unless the meal is provided. This amount is adjusted for partial day travel. Receipts required.
   c.   For partial day travel, the town pays a portion of per diem for meals eaten while on travel status at the rate of: $8 breakfast, $12 lunch and $20 dinner.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 4-2-2018)