§ 2.904  MEALS.
   a.   Actual costs of meals while on town business, including tips, are eligible for reimbursement up to per diem rate. The following are guidelines for meal reimbursement. It is expected that meals included in a registration fee will be used by the employee. Constraints such as time, dietary restrictions and/or other circumstances may preclude use of such prepaid meals. Therefore, in lieu of adding a 15% gratuity, the town will provide employees a per diem for all meals during such approved travel time.
      1.   Meal per diem policy. A per diem allowance may be given in lieu of actual costs (substantiated by receipts) to a traveler to cover meal expenses in connection with the performance of services for the town. The town will reimburse the lesser of actual or per diem.
      2.   Meal per diem procedure. Travelers who use per diem allowances are required to substantiate each meal expense. They must demonstrate that the trip occurred with a receipt such as an airline ticket or hotel receipts that indicate the dates of travel. For audit purposes, this documentation must be attached to the expense log and report copy and retained by the Finance Department for a period of three years.
   b.   The town pays a per diem rate for meal expenses as follows: per diem rate is provided for each meal unless the meal is provided. This amount is adjusted for partial day travel. Receipts required.
   c.   For partial day travel, the town pays a portion of per diem for meals eaten while on travel status at the rate of: $8 breakfast, $12 lunch and $20 dinner.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 4-2-2018)
   a.   Travel Authorization form.
      1.   Complete the travel authorization form and attach back up.
      2.   Obtain signatures:
         (a)   Employee;
         (b)   Town Clerk;
         (c)   Mayor; and
         (d)   Mayor Pro Tem if travel is for Mayor or Town Clerk.
      3.   Form must be turned in to accounting five days prior to travel if an advance is requested.
   b.   Requisition procedures payable to employee.
      1.   Accounting needs the travel authorization form five days prior to departure date.
      2.   Travel advance check will be available three days before departure date.
      3.   Meal expense checks will be issued no earlier than three days prior to departure date.
         (a)   Payments to vendors for training related to a specific job should use account appropriated.
         (b)   Payments to vendors for seminars, conferences and the like should use account appropriated.
   c.   Reimbursement/advance process.
      1.   Per diem meal allowance payments will be processed. Expense report form after the trip.
      2.   Actual meal allowance payments will be processed on a properly completed expense report form after the trip with substantiation by individual receipts.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 4-2-2018)
   a.   Will have the advanced amounts reported on their W-2 at the end of the year.
   b.   Independent contractors: any per diem payments made directly to independent contractor, members of visiting committees and interview candidates are reportable income and will be reported on Form 1099M. Those individuals who are both based in and perform their services in the town area are not eligible to receive per diem while performing such services within the town area.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 4-2-2018)
   Due to the long distance and high costs involved in out-of-state travel, it is town policy to pay for the least costly, appropriate mode of transportation. It is town policy never to reimburse a traveler more than the reasonable cost of travel. The amount cannot exceed the actual out-of-pocket expense incurred by the traveling employee.
   a.   Air travel.
      1.   Employees should make every effort to plan travel in advance to take advantage of discounts, if offered. Flight arrangements should be coordinated with town. If an employee obtains an airline ticket on their own, they will be reimbursed upon return from travel status. Receipts and documentation will be needed for all reimbursement. If the town’s credit card is used, the same documentation should be retained and signed off on by the Mayor and Town Clerk and attached to the credit card statement.
      2.   If changes in travel plans occur which are the result of town business requirements (e.g., delays in departure, cancellation, extended stays or revised itinerary), any associated costs will be paid by the town. All increases in cost of travel due to changes for personal convenience will be borne by the employee.
   b.   Car travel. If the traveler chooses to drive instead of fly (must be approved by appropriate department head), reimbursement will be made at the current mileage reimbursement rate of $0.54.
   c.   Rental cars. Should the need for a rental car arise, it must be specifically approved by the Mayor and Town Clerk (or Mayor Pro Tem as previously denoted). The size of the actual cost of renting provided that the proper documentation is attached to the expense reimbursement form. The rental agreement and receipt received at turn in of the vehicle will be required documentation for reimbursement. Employees must obtain both liability and collision/comprehensive coverage provided by the rental agency.
   d.   Town vehicle. Officers and employees may use an assigned vehicle or available pool cars while on town business. Employees using a town owned vehicle for out-of-town travel shall secure a town gas credit card for purchase of gasoline. Personnel should use the town gas credit card, when feasible, in lieu of charging for travel.
(Ord. 2018-03, passed 4-2-2018)