(A)   The developer shall construct a sanitary sewer system and provide lateral connections for each lot where a public sanitary sewer main is available at the plat boundary or within a reasonable distance thereto (within 1,000 feet of the subdivision).
   (B)   If a public sewer main is not available under the conditions stated above and the subdivision conatins ten lots or more, provisions shall be made by the developer to provide adequate sewage collection and treatment facilities, including a treatment plant or community disposal system, house lines, laterals, trunk lines, manholes, and other appurtenances as deemed mecessary by the city and/or the Department of Environmental Resources.
   (C)   If, in the opinion of the County Health Department, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, the city and/or the Commission, factors exist which would create a public health and sanitation problem if a certain area is subdivided, the Commission will not approve the subdivision plan of such area until such factors are corrected by an adequate sanitary sewer system.
   (D)   All design and all phases of construction, including excavation, trench, pipe, grade, backfill, and manholes shall be in accordance with construction drawings approved by the State Department of Environmental Resources and shall be inspected by the City Engineer, city authorized representative, authority representative or other official as may be designated by the city.
   (E)   In areas where city sewers are planned to be available but not yet built, a sewer system shall be provided to the edge of the subdivision closest to the municipal trunk location and capped. Such system shall include all mains, laterals and other appurtenances herein required. Until such time as a municipal sewer becomes available, a project system must be installed. In the case of a project system, a trunk line shall be provided to connect into the municipal system.
   (F)   Where public sewers are not available or planned, and the subdivision contains less than ten lots, individual on-site disposal systems (septic-systems) may be provided, but must be approved and inspected by the County Health Department.
   (G)   The minimum diameter of any gravity sewer pipe main shall be eight inches and any lateral four inches. Six-inch gravity mains and grinder type pressure systems may be permitted for certain installations when approved by the County Health Department and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.
(Ord. 1286, passed 6-7-1982)