General Regulations
93.01 Trash
93.02 Snow and ice removal
93.15 Title
93.16 Definitions
93.17 Community development objectives
93.18 Tree Committee
93.19 Tree Committee duties
93.20 Shrubbery and trees
93.21 Harmony among agencies
93.22 Nuisance or hazard
93.23 Tree protection (tree lawn or public trees)
93.24 Specimen and historic tree preservation
93.25 Tree permits
93.26 Finance
Grass, Weeds and Other Vegetation
93.40 Nuisance vegetation
93.41 Restricted areas
93.42 Responsibility for removal
93.43 Notice to remove
Maintenance Regulations and Quality of Life
93.55 Purpose
93.56 Definitions
93.57 Quality of life violations
93.58 Authority for issuance of a quality of life violation ticket
93.59 Enforcement
93.60 Process for issuing quality of life violation tickets
93.61 Abatement of violation
93.62 Fines and penalties
93.63 Violation ticket penalties
93.64 Appeal
93.99 Penalty
International Property Maintenance Code, see § 151.01
Shrubbery and trees, see § 156.113
Sight line, see § 156.109
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to:
(A) Throw any waste paper, sweepings, ashes, household waste, glass, metal, refuse or rubbish, or any dangerous or detrimental substance into or upon the road, street, highway or alley, or upon the land of another or into or upon any stream or other body of water; or
(B) Interfere with, scatter or disturb the contents of any receptacle containing ashes, garbage, household waste or rubbish.
(Ord. 1217, passed 5-17-1976) Penalty, see § 93.99
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the owner, occupant, or other person or entity in charge of any property in the city which is adjacent to any public sidewalk to remove or cause to be removed snow or ice from the entire width of such sidewalk, including any adjacent curb-cut, up to a maximum of 48 inches, and if the same cannot be wholly removed, shall apply thereon sand or other proper substance so that such sidewalk shall be made safe for public travel.
(B) Snow or ice below six inches shall be removed within 24 hours, and six inches or above shall be removed within 36 hours of the cessation of snow fall or freezing. Such snow and/or ice shall be completely cleared from the sidewalk exposing the wearing surface of the sidewalk to a width not less than 48 inches or the actual width of the sidewalk, whichever is less.
(C) No person shall plow, shovel, or blow any snow or ice from a private property onto a public street, crosswalk, transit stop, sidewalk or any public property.
(D) Authority for issuance of a quality of life violation ticket. Any person or persons violating any of the terms of this section may, be subjected to quality of life ticketing. Maximum fine is $100.