It shall be the duty and responsibility of the owner, occupant, or other person or entity in charge of any property in the city which is adjacent to any public sidewalk to remove or cause to be removed snow or ice from the entire width of such sidewalk, including any adjacent curb-cut, up to a maximum of 48 inches, and if the same cannot be wholly removed, shall apply thereon sand or other proper substance so that such sidewalk shall be made safe for public travel.
(B) Snow or ice below six inches shall be removed within 24 hours, and six inches or above shall be removed within 36 hours of the cessation of snow fall or freezing. Such snow and/or ice shall be completely cleared from the sidewalk exposing the wearing surface of the sidewalk to a width not less than 48 inches or the actual width of the sidewalk, whichever is less.
(C) No person shall plow, shovel, or blow any snow or ice from a private property onto a public street, crosswalk, transit stop, sidewalk or any public property.
(D) Authority for issuance of a quality of life violation ticket. Any person or persons violating any of the terms of this section may, be subjected to quality of life ticketing. Maximum fine is $100.
The official title of this subchapter is the “Corry Tree Ordinance”.
(Ord. 1451, passed 10-18-2004; Ord. 1633, passed 3-20-2023)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CITY. The City of Corry.
CITY COUNCIL. The City of Corry City Council.
STREET TREES, COMMUNITY FOREST OR SHADE TREES. Trees within and/or overhanging the city street right-of-way.
STUB TOPPING. The same as the improper arboricultural practice of TOPPING, the heading of limbs back to an arbitrarily set line.
(1) A woody perennial plant with one main stem or trunk, which develops many branches; most trees are over ten feet tall.
(2) A treelike bush or shrub, such as a rose tree.
TREE COMMITTEE. The Municipal Tree Committee of the City of Corry.
(Ord. 1451, passed 10-18-2004
; Ord. 1633, passed 3-20-2023)
This subchapter is intended to promote, protect and facilitate the public health, safety and general welfare by addressing continual improvement of the community forest within the city Comprehensive Plan as incorporated in “A Comprehensive Plan for the City of Corry and Wayne Township”, completed in 1996. an urban forester shall be utilized as a consultant to assist with health and maintenance of the community forest of the City of Corry.
(Ord. 1451, passed 10-18-2004
; Ord. 1633, passed 3-20-2023)