17.74.110 Subdivision or tract.
   New subdivision or tract signs shall be governed by the following regulations:
   (A)   Allowance for on-site and off-site signs are as follows:
      (1)   On-site. One indirectly illuminated on-site sign shall be permitted to be installed by the developer or land owner on one lot of the newly approved residential subdivision or tract. Said sign shall not exceed 100 square feet in area and shall not exceed 15 feet in overall height. One sign may be permitted on each existing street frontage of the subdivision site.
      (2)   Off-site. Off-site subdivision or tract signs or apartment signs are prohibited within the City of Corona except as provided in § 17.74.120 of this Code.
   (B)   Sign permits for an on-site subdivision or tract sign shall be valid for only one year. However, prior to the expiration of said time period, the applicant may request a time extension not to exceed twelve consecutive calendar months. Total permit period shall not exceed four years.
(`78 Code, § 17.74.160.) (Ord. 2729 § 4, 2004; Ord. 1916 §§ 3 and 4, 1989; Ord. 1660 § 16, 1982.)