14.12.090 Insurance requirements.
   Except as provided in § 14.12.080, whenever insurance is required by this title, the following coverage amounts shall be required unless the Agency establishes a greater amount based on special circumstances: $100,000 property damage and $100,000/$300,000 personal liability indemnifying and securing the city, its Council members, agents, officers and employees against all claims and causes of action by persons who may be injured or whose property may be damaged as a result of the permittee’s conduct, including its agents, employees, officers and contractors in the exercise of its privileges under a permit granted pursuant to this title. No additional public liability or property damage insurance shall be required for drilling additional wells on the same property. The operator shall agree to keep on file with the city during its operations under the permit a certificate or certificates of insurance duly executed by the operator’s insurance carrier or carriers, which certificate or certificates shall serve as evidence of the continued existence in full force and effect of the insurance policies.
(`78 Code, § 14.12.090.)