5.06.070 Permit - Conditions.
   The Chief of Police shall impose the following conditions, prior to approval of an application, to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter and to protect the public health, safety and welfare:
   (A)   Interior illuminations. All entertainment venues or restaurants where entertainment is provided shall maintain an interior illumination for exit areas which meets the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and § 15.04.020 of this code. Currently, such requirement is not less than one foot candle at floor level. Further, a minimum of one foot candle at floor level shall apply to all interior areas of the entertainment venue or restaurant, including areas where entertainment is permitted.
   (B)   Disorderly conduct. No person in charge or assisting in the conduct of an entertainment venue or restaurant where entertainment is permitted shall permit any intoxicated, boisterous or disorderly person to enter; be in or remain in or around such entertainment venue or restaurant, including the parking or other areas within the reasonable control of the entertainment venue or restaurant, for any reason, including, but not limited to, assisting in the operation of the entertainment venue or restaurant, assisting or participating in the entertainment activity, or viewing the entertainment activity. No person in an intoxicated condition shall enter or remain in any entertainment venue or restaurant where entertainment is permitted, or conduct himself or herself in a boisterous or disorderly manner in an entertainment venue or restaurant where entertainment is permitted.
   (C)   Prohibitions on mosh pits, crowd surfing and stage diving. No person in charge or assisting in the conduct of an entertainment venue or restaurant where entertainment is permitted shall permit or allow any dance activities characterized by violent physical contact between and among patrons or performers, or activities where patrons or performers are suspended above the shoulders of a person for the purpose of maneuvering such patrons or performers from one person to another, or activities characterized by having patrons or performers diving or leaping into a crowd of persons. Such prohibited activities shall include, but shall not be limited to, activities which are commonly known as mosh or slam-dancing, crowd or body surfing or stage diving. Patrons or performers engaging in such prohibited activities shall be deemed to engage in disorderly conduct subject to the provisions of division (B) of this section.
   (D)   Nontransferability of license. Each permit issued is nontransferable, separate and distinct. No person shall exercise the privileges granted under this chapter except the person, firm, corporation, association or persons to whom the permit was issued, and the permit shall be used only at the specific place for which it was issued.
   (E)   Permit posting and availability. Each permit shall be posted in a conspicuous and publicly accessible place in or upon the premises for which it was issued and shall be shown to any city official upon demand.
   (F)   Financial interests and management. The permittee shall make available to the city, upon written request to do so, a list of the current names and addresses of all persons who are directly engaged in the management or operation of the entertainment venue or restaurant, all persons having a financial interest in the entertainment venue or restaurant and all employees or agents of the entertainment venue or restaurant. Once a permit is issued, the permittee shall, at the permittee's sole expense, cause each person thereafter acquiring a financial interest in the entertainment venue or restaurant and each person who becomes directly engaged in the management and operation of the entertainment venue or restaurant to be fingerprinted by the Police Department as required in § 5.06.040.
(`78 Code, § 5.06.070.) (Ord. 2870, § 2, 2006; Ord. 2420 § 2, 1999.)