5.06.010 Definitions.
   For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and phrases shall be construed as set forth in this section.
   (A)   "Entertainment" means any presentation or activity of any nature which is designed or intended to divert, amuse or attract the attention of persons observing such presentation or activity, including, but not limited to, any act, play, review, pantomime, scene, concert, dance act, song and dance act, musical performance, fashion or style performed by one or more persons, whether or not such person or persons are compensated for such performance.
   (B)   "Entertainment venue" means any place or building where entertainment is presented.
   (C)   "Nonprofit organization" means any lawfully organized nonprofit club, society, association or other organization organized or incorporated for benevolent, charitable, dramatic or literary purposes, which has an established membership and holds meetings at regular intervals for purposes other than entertainment.
   (D)   "Restaurant" means any place where food or other refreshments are served and which is open to the public, including, but not limited to, coffee shops, bars, cafes, nightclubs, beer parlors, dance clubs and coffee houses.
(`78 Code, § 5.06.010.) (Ord. 2420 § 2, 1999.)