2.52.140 Emergency Services Coordinator - Duties generally.
   The Emergency Services Coordinator shall, at the direction of the Emergency Services Director:
   (A)   Develop, coordinate and maintain a basic emergency operations plan for the city, which plan shall use the Standardized Emergency Management System and the National Incident Management System to provide for the use of resources and equipment of all appropriate governmental entities, all commercial and industrial organizations and all such special groups, bodies and organizations as may be needed to support emergency or disaster operations and shall provide for the organization, powers and duties, services and staff of the emergency organization;
   (B)   Develop, coordinate and manage such programs, training, activities, funds and exercises as may be needed to facilitate the readiness of city personnel and residents to respond to emergencies and disasters;
   (C)   Coordinate all aspects of the city’s mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery capabilities;
   (D)   Develop and coordinate public information, education and related programs essential to facilitate basic self- protection of persons and the community;
   (E)   Coordinate disaster and emergency planning and training as part of the Riverside County Operational Area;
   (F)   Serve as a member of the City Disaster Council and recommend to the Emergency Services Director for referral to the Disaster Council matters for consideration within the purview of the Council’s responsibilities; and
   (G)   Serve as city representative and liaison to area coordinating groups composed of emergency managers and coordinators from other Riverside County cities, agencies and organizations.
(`78 Code, § 2.52.140.) (Ord. 3053 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 2429 § 14, 1999.)