The City Disaster Council shall be responsible for the final development of the city’s Emergency Operations Plan, which Plan shall provide for the effective mobilization of all of the resources of this city, both public and private, to meet any condition constituting a local emergency, state of emergency or state of war emergency and shall provide for the organizations, powers and duties, services and staff of the emergency organizations. The Emergency Plan shall provide for the structure of the Corona Emergency Management Organization using concepts of the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS). The Emergency Operations Plan shall take effect upon adoption by resolution of the City Council. To enact substantive changes or revisions to the Emergency Operations Plan, the following procedure shall be used:
(A) A review by the Emergency Services Director and Office of Emergency Services, and other departments if relevant to changes;
(B) Presentation of changes with highlights of proposed additions or revisions of Emergency Operations Plan by Emergency Services Director to City Manager and Assistant City Manager;
(C) Distribution to Disaster Council for review and comments;
(D) Disaster Council meets for final review and approval;
(E) Place on City Council Agenda for adoption by resolution.
(`78 Code, § 2.52.180.) (Ord. 3053 § 1 (part), 2010; Ord. 2429 § 16, 1999.)