1488.01   Maintenance of exterior areas generally.
1488.02   Accumulation of stagnant water.
1488.03   Weeds and plant growth.
1488.04   Health hazards.
1488.05   Responsibility of owners and occupants for extermination.
1488.06   Condition of accessory structures and wood surfaces.
1488.07   Condition of foundations, walls, roofs, apertures.
1488.08   Load carrying capacity of exterior structures.
1488.09   Condition of windows, doors and basement hatchways.
1488.10   Rodent shields on basement and cellar windows.
1488.11   Maintenance of doors and windows; broken panes.
1488.12   Interference with service, facilities, equipment and utilities.
1488.13   Fences.
1488.14   Construction, installation and maintenance of facilities, equipment and utilities.
1488.15   Roof gutters and downspouts.
1488.16   Replacement and rebuilding of deteriorated structures.
1488.17   Prima-facie evidence of satisfactory maintenance.
1488.18   Maintenance of debasing, incongruous or hazardous conditions.
1488.19   Identification of dwelling structures and units.
1488.99   Penalty.
   Power to regulate building sanitation - see Ohio R.C. 715.26
   Power to regulate fences - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
   Power to abate nuisances - see Ohio R.C. 715.44
   Compulsory sewer connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06
   Destruction of weeds - see Ohio R.C. 971.33 et seq.; GEN. OFF. 660.17
   Fences - see GEN. OFF. 660.12; P. & Z. 1260.26
   Maintenance of facilities, equipment and utilities - see B. & H. 1486.24