1486.01   Means of egress for dwelling structures.
1486.02   Means of egress for units above first floor.
1486.03   Means of egress for units in multiple dwellings.
1486.04   Specifications for means of egress.
1486.05   Hand rails and balusters on stairways and porches.
1486.06   Storage of poisonous substances.
1486.07   Dampness in multi-family dwellings.
1486.08   Condition of structural members.
1486.09   Screens.
1486.10   Glass area of windows and skylights.
1486.11   Ventilation in habitable rooms.
1486.12   Light and ventilation in bathrooms.
1486.13   Light in laundry and furnace rooms.
1486.14   Light in public hallways and stairways.
1486.15   Condition of interior walls, ceilings and floors.
1486.16   Bathroom floors and walls.
1486.17   Electric service for dwelling units.
1486.18   Outlets and fixtures for habitable rooms.
1486.19   Floor or wall-type outlets for habitable rooms.
1486.20   Location of switches.
1486.21   Heating facilities.
1486.22   Unvented space heaters.
1486.23   Access to bathrooms and bedrooms.
1486.24   Maintenance of facilities, equipment and utilities.
1486.99   Penalty.
   Power to furnish light, power and heat - see Ohio R.C. 715.06, 717.01
   Power to regulate building sanitation - see Ohio R.C. 715.26
   Compulsory water connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06, 743.23
   Unvented gas heaters - see GEN. OFF. 660.01
   Kitchen and bathroom facilities; water lines; plumbing - see B. & H. 1484.02 et seq.
   Condition of windows, doors and hatchways - see B. & H. 1488.09
   Means of egress in multiple dwellings - see B. & H. 1494.08