The responsibility for annually funding the continued development, operations and maintenance of the system for utility required functions shall be borne solely by Utilities. Revenues derived from system subscribers, clients, and other participants shall be used to offset system expenses. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)
Persons and other non-Utilities City departments may obtain copies of standard system products; custom hard copy system products; digital data; regular, ongoing system services; and technical assistance necessary to access the system and its products and services, only under the terms and conditions provided in this article. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)
The providing of custom hard copy system products; regular, ongoing system services and technical assistance shall be accomplished for persons by contract and for City departments by memorandum of understanding. Digital data is not to be sold and is to be provided to persons by lease agreement. All rights to digital data are hereby reserved by Utilities. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)
A charge shall be collected from persons and non-Utilities City departments for copies they are furnished of routinely developed standard system products. The charge shall be the amount the Chief Executive Officer has approved for each standard product. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)