Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following technical terms, as used in this article, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated:
ARTICLE: Article 6 of chapter 12 of this Code of the City of Colorado Springs.
FACILITIES INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OR FIMS: Planning, developing, implementing, operating, maintaining, and managing data in a computer environment regarding the location and attributes of features.
NON-UTILITIES CITY DEPARTMENTS: All departments or divisions of the City, other than Utilities.
SYSTEM: The facilities information management system and other systems as may from time to time be assigned by the Chief Executive Officer. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following technical terms, as used in this article, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated:
APPLICANT: Any person who submits a request for system services.
ATTRIBUTE: A characteristic of a feature.
CLIENT: Persons who purchase copies of standard system products, custom hard copy system products, digital data or technical assistance.
COMPUTER HARDWARE: All file servers, workstations, disk drives, plotters, screen copiers, line printers, display devices, communication devices, and other miscellaneous hardware.
COMPUTER SOFTWARE: Software required for computer hardware, communications, and related equipment and applications software used for or oriented towards special application areas, such as mapping, networking, facilities management, and engineering analysis.
FIMS BASE MAP: Hard copy and/or digital mapping containing graphical representations of survey controls, cadastre, and planimetric features and attribute data.
FACILITIES: Those major features which make up the Utilities supply system or are otherwise part of the infrastructure.
FEATURE: The representation of a physical object within the system.
PARTICIPANT: Non-Utilities City departments to whom the Chief Executive Officer provides products and services and/or delegates responsibility for the operation and maintenance of component parts of the system.
STANDARD SYSTEM PRODUCTS: Paper products generated from the system for internal use and for the purpose of meeting requests submitted under Colorado's Open Records Act for copies of system records.
SUBSCRIBER: Persons who purchase regular, ongoing system service. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
The responsibility for annually funding the continued development, operations and maintenance of the system for utility required functions shall be borne solely by Utilities. Revenues derived from system subscribers, clients, and other participants shall be used to offset system expenses. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)