"Street lighting service" is the provision by the Utilities of street lighting for all public streetlights along the public street system within the Municipal limits of the City of Colorado Springs. Street lighting service will be provided by employing the assets of the Utilities which shall be a separate part of the Utilities system authorized by City Charter article 1, subsection 1-20(d). (Ord. 02-203)
The City Council does hereby find, determine, and declare as follows:
A. The street lighting infrastructure operated by the Utilities within the City of Colorado Springs is part of the system of utilities owned and operated for the convenience and necessity of the citizens of the City of Colorado Springs and such infrastructure is subject to the pledge of outstanding revenue bonds payable by Utilities;
B. The City of Colorado Springs and all residents and businesses within the City directly benefit from the provision of street lighting service by Utilities;
C. The benefits of street lighting service include enhanced public safety and a general improvement to the quality of life and the business climate within the City of Colorado Springs;
D. Service charges are a recognized method through which an enterprise can collect the costs of a service from customers that directly benefit;
E. It is just, reasonable and appropriate to directly assess the costs of street lighting upon customers of Utilities' street lighting service through a service charge;
F. The service charge should be established in an amount sufficient to defray the revenue requirement of the street lighting service to Utilities for streetlight infrastructure on arterial and residential streets not otherwise recovered pursuant to section 7.4.303
of this Code;
G. The service charge should be charged to all street lighting service customers in a manner that reflects the benefits of street lighting service; and
H. Because of the direct benefits to the City of Colorado Springs and to all residents and businesses within the City, the City of Colorado Springs is, and should be, the street lighting service customer of Utilities. (Ord. 02-203; Ord. 06-97
; Ord. 23-17)
Utilities is authorized and directed to assess and collect a service charge, denominated as the street lighting service charge, from the Municipal government of the City of Colorado Springs. The revenues received from the street lighting service charge shall be sufficient to defray the costs of street lighting service within the City of Colorado Springs, such costs may include, but are not limited to, the operations and maintenance expenses, inclusive of power consumption, and all capital costs associated with arterial and residential street lighting infrastructure not recovered through section 7.4.303 of this Code. (Ord. 02-203; Ord. 06-97
; Ord. 23-17)