§ 189.04 Fair Employment Wage Board
   (a)   The Fair Employment Wage Board (FEWB) shall review the effectiveness of the living wage ordinance to ensure that the community is informed on whether those companies that are receiving public assistance, government loans, and service contracts from the City are adhering to the ordinance. The FEWB shall make recommendations to the Cleveland City Council, when appropriate, regarding issues pertaining to the living wage policy. The FEWB shall also perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to it under the Wage Theft and Payroll Fraud Prevention ordinance as codified in Chapter 190.
   (b)   The FEWB shall be composed of two (2) representatives from the business community, two (2) representatives from labor organizations, one (1) representative from community groups, one (1) representative from the Mayor’s office and one (1) representative from Cleveland City Council. The FEWB members shall be appointed to the FEWB by the Mayor, subject to the approval of City Council. Each FEWB member shall be a resident of the City of Cleveland. No person shall be appointed to the Fair Employment Wage Board who has any interest in a contract, loan, grant or other financial assistance from the City of Cleveland.
   (c)   The Mayor shall initially appoint three (3) members of the FEWB for one (1) year terms, two (2) members to two (2) year terms, and two (2) members for a three (3) year term. Thereafter, all members shall serve three (3) year terms. Members may serve more than one (1) term.
   (d)   At the beginning of each year the FEWB members shall elect a chairperson and vice chairperson by majority vote. The FEWB shall hold meetings quarterly and in special sessions as called by the chairperson or by a majority of the members. All meetings of the FEWB shall be open to the public. All meetings will allow for public testimony on compliance with the Fair Employment Wage Chapter and minutes of all meetings shall be taken. The FEWB shall adopt such rules and regulations as the Board may deem necessary or desirable for the conduct of its business.
   (e)   The FEWB shall be provided with and shall review:
      (1)   All reports on compliance filed by Applicable Departments as provided by this chapter;
      (2)   The results of any investigations of Covered Employers as provided by this chapter;
      (3)   All applications for exemptions from coverage filed by recipients of Assistance and Service Contractors as provided by this chapter.
   The FEWB shall provide recommendations regarding such matters to City Council.
   (f)   The FEWB shall monitor, analyze and study information provided by the City to ensure that Covered Employees whose employers are receiving incentives for the offer or provision of health care insurance are receiving or being offered substantially equivalent health care benefits as are provided to City employees.
(Ord. No. 892-2022. Passed 12-5-22, eff. 12-7-22)