Except as otherwise provided for, the Commissioner of Licenses and Assessments shall suspend or revoke any permit or license issued pursuant to this Health Code, upon the recommendation and order of the Commissioner of Environmental Health for violation or failure to comply with any State statute, City ordinance or regulation applicable to the conduct or maintenance of the operation, business or premises for which the permit or license is issued, or when material information in the application is found to be false or misleading.
(Ord. No. 511-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
Except as otherwise provided, any person may appeal the denial, suspension or revocation of any permit or license issued pursuant to this Health Code to the Board of Zoning Appeals, established pursuant to Charter section 76-6, provided that written appeal is filed with the Board Secretary within ten (10) days of the date the decision being appealed was made. The Board shall conduct a hearing and render a decision in accord with City ordinances and regulations governing its conduct and procedure.
(Ord. No. 511-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
Any city officer or employee authorized to enforce the City’s Health Code may also enforce Chapter 3104 and issue a notice of civil offense and civil fine under the procedures in that Chapter.
(Ord. No. 1039-2023. Passed 2-5-24, eff. 2-6-24)
(a) Whoever fails to comply with a written order issued under this Health Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day of noncompliance shall constitute a separate offense. Whoever violates any provision of this Health Code, where another penalty is not otherwise provided, is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense and shall be fined not more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00); on a second or subsequent offense, such person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisoned not more than six (6) months, or both. Each day of a continuing violation or non-compliance constitutes a separate offense.
(b) Whoever violates Sections 203.07, 203.08, 205.02, 209.01, 209.02(a), 211.01 or 211.02 shall be fined not more than one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00). In addition to any other method of enforcement provided for in this chapter, the above listed minor misdemeanors may be enforced by the issuance of a citation in compliance with Rule 4.1 of the Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure.
(Ord. No. 1039-2023. Passed 2-5-24, eff. 2-6-24)