§ 171.09 Extra Compensation for Serving in Higher Capacity
   (a)   Whenever, under Charter Section 73 the duties of the office of Mayor are being regularly discharged by the head of one (1) of the departments therein provided for under the title of Acting Mayor, and no salary is then being paid to the Mayor, the director so performing such duties shall be paid the salary of the Mayor, in lieu of his or her compensation as director.
   (b)   Whenever, under Section 171.08 any person is temporarily performing the functions of an office in an acting capacity, he or she shall not thereby be entitled to additional compensation beyond his or her regular compensation, except that when pursuant to Section 171.08 the duties of director, commissioner or secretary are being discharged by a person under the title of acting director, acting commissioner or acting secretary, and no salary is then being paid to such director, commissioner or secretary as the case may be, such acting director, acting commissioner or acting secretary, shall be paid the salary of the director, commissioner or secretary whose duties he or she is then performing in lieu of his or her regular compensation, if such salary is greater than that of the office regularly held by such acting director, acting commissioner or acting secretary.
   (c)   However, whenever it is necessary to designate a lesser employee to act temporarily in a higher capacity due to the absence on vacation or otherwise of the employee in such higher capacity, the employee so temporarily designated, if he or she has served in such acting capacity for one (1) day or more in any one (1) payroll period, may with the approval of the director of the department involved, under such rules as may be established by the Board of Control, be compensated at the rate of compensation being paid to such absent employee.
(Ord. No. 678-69. Passed 5-5-69, eff. 5-7-69)
   Note: The Board of Control has established rules for the compensation of all employees temporarily serving in a higher capacity, pursuant to the authority of this section.