§ 131.53 Duties of the Commissioner of Traffic Engineering
   The Commissioner of Traffic Engineering shall administer and supervise the affairs of the Division of Traffic Engineering and prepare drawings, standards and specifications; determine parking restrictions; set up time-space progressive movement signal charts; lay out parking restriction zones including, but not limited to, establishing parking meter zones on streets or parts thereof where parking meters shall be installed; lay out roadway markings; check plans for street changes, permits and all matters bearing on traffic safety; receive complaints and suggestions; make personal observations of traffic confusion and hazards; make factual studies from spot maps, collision and condition diagrams; make vehicle studies, speed studies, pedestrian studies, obedience checks, special observations, and parking studies; prepare and disseminate accident statistics; watch accident records, spot maps and high accident area lists; cooperate with safety organizations; submit detailed recommendations; prepare detailed plans and specifications; prepare publicly for proposed changes; follow through to see that recommendations are carried out; and make rechecks after changes have been made. The Commissioner of Traffic Engineering shall perform such other and further duties as Council or the Mayor from time to time require of him or her.
(Ord. No. 1330-A-10. Passed 12-6-10, eff. 12-6-10)