Fences in Residential Districts shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the following regulations, as well as other applicable regulations of the Codified Ordinances.
(a) Height and Opacity. Fences in actual front yards and in actual side street yards shall not exceed four (4) feet in height and shall be at least fifty percent (50%) open, except that, in an actual side street yard, a fence that is set back at least four (4) feet from the side street property line may be a maximum of six (6) feet in height and may be open or solid. Fences in actual rear yards and in actual interior side yards shall not exceed six (6) feet in height and may be solid or open. No fence shall be higher than its distance from a residence building on an adjoining lot or from the permitted placement of a future residence on such lot, if such fence will be generally parallel to and adjacent to the closest wall of the residence.
(b) Location. A fence running generally parallel to and adjacent to a building on the same property shall be located no closer than three (3) feet to the closest wall of such building.
(c) Materials and Appearance.
(1) Front Yards. In Residential Districts, only ornamental fences, as defined herein, shall be installed in actual front yards and in actual side street yards if located within four (4) feet of the side street property line. The Board of Zoning Appeals may, however, permit a chain link fence if the Board determines that such fence is common in the immediate vicinity of the subject property.
(2) Other Yards. In other yards, fences may be composed of any materials except barbed wire and except as prohibited in division (a) of Section 358.06.
(d) Residential Swimming Pools. Fences shall be provided around swimming pools that are accessory to a residence in accordance with the regulations of division (g) of Section 3117.03 of the Building Code.
(Ord. No. 1811-2000. Passed 2-12-01, eff. 2-20-01)