The following regulations shall apply to fences in all zoning districts or as specified.
(a) Prohibited Materials. No fence shall be composed of scrap materials, tires, canvas, cardboard, asphalt-style shingles, or chicken wire. Furthermore, except in General Industry and Unrestricted Industry Districts, no fence shall be composed of corrugated metal or sheet metal.
(b) Appearance. All fences shall be uniform in material and color. In the case of a fence with a finished side and an unfinished side, the finished or more decorative side shall face outward toward the adjoining property or the street.
(c) Barbed Wire. Where permitted by regulations of this chapter, barbed wire may be installed at the top of a fence if not more than three (3) strands are used, and if the lowest strand is at least six (6) feet above the adjoining ground. In the case of a fence located less than four (4) feet from a public sidewalk or a Residential District line, the vertical supports for the strands shall slant away from the nearest property line at an angle of not less than forty-five (45) degrees. Such barbed wire may be placed above the otherwise applicable height limit for the fence to which it is attached. Any barbed wire fence not conforming to any provision of this chapter regarding barbed wire fences shall be made to conform or shall be removed no later than December 31, 2001.
(d) Maintenance. All fences shall be maintained in good condition, free of significant rust, peeling paint or other damage. Furthermore, all fences shall be kept plumb, with no more than a two (2) inch deflection from a vertical position.
(e) Recreation Facilities. On the grounds of a school or on the grounds of a public or private recreation use, an open fence erected to enclose a playground, playfield, swimming pool, tennis court, golf course or similar facility may exceed the otherwise applicable height limits, but shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height.
(f) Railroad and Utility Properties. An open fence erected for security purposes along a railroad or rapid transit right-of-way or yard or around a public utility use may exceed the otherwise applicable height limits, but shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height.
(g) Temporary Construction Fences. Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, a temporary fence shall be permitted in any zoning district to enclose a site at which construction activity is underway. Such fence shall be in place only for the duration of the construction activity and shall be removed when construction activity has been completed or has been discontinued for a period of three (3) months or more. Such fence shall be located as necessary to protect the public and to secure the construction site, as approved by the Commissioner of Building and Housing. The fence may be chain link, wood or another material approved by the Commissioner.
(h) Nonconforming Fences. Except as specified in division (b) of Section 358.03 with regard to sight lines and division (c) of Section 358.06, with respect to barbed wire, any fence not conforming to the regulations of this chapter may be retained and repaired but shall not be moved or replaced in whole unless made to conform with the provisions of this chapter. Replacement of less than half (1/2) of a nonconforming fence in a twelve (12) month period shall be considered “repair” and not “replacement” for purposes of this provision.
(Ord. No. 1811-2000. Passed 2-12-01, eff. 2-20-01)