Ballots used at a recall election shall conform to the following requirements: With respect to the officer whose removal is sought the question shall be submitted, “Shall (name of person) be removed from the Council (or from the office of Mayor) by recall”. Immediately below such question there shall be printed on the ballots the two following propositions, one above the other, in the order here indicated:
“For the recall of (name of person).”
“Against the recall of (name of person).”
Immediately at the left of each proposition there shall be a square in which the elector by making a cross mark (X) may vote for either of such propositions.
(Effective November 9, 1931)
If a majority of the votes cast on the question of recalling a member of the Council or Mayor shall be against his recall he shall continue in office for the remainder of his unexpired term, but subject to recall as before. If a majority of such votes be for the recall of the member indicated on the ballots he shall, regardless of any defect in the recall petition, be deemed removed from office. When a person is removed from office by recall, Council shall immediately provide for the nomination and election of his successor for the unexpired term by fixing the time of the elections. The nomination and election of a person to succeed a person so removed shall be held within one hundred and twenty days after the date of the recall election and shall be conducted in the same manner as provided for regular Municipal elections.
(Effective November 9, 1931)
If the Mayor or a member of the Council in regard to whom a recall petition is submitted to the Council shall resign within five days after notice thereof, the successor for the unexpired term shall be nominated and elected as hereinbefore provided and the recall election shall not be held.
(Effective November 9, 1931)
No recall petition shall be filed against the Mayor or a member of the Council within three months after he takes office nor, in case of a person subjected to a recall election and not removed thereby, until at least six months after that election.
(Effective November 9, 1931)
The Council shall provide by ordinance for limitations on campaign contributions made to the campaign committees for all candidates in all primary, regular and special elections for the office of Mayor and the office of member of Council. The Council shall by ordinance provide penalties for exceeding the campaign contribution limitations and an appeal process for persons alleged to have violated the campaign contribution limitations.
(Effective November 4, 2008)