The number of candidates for any office at any regular Municipal election in the City at large or in each ward, as the case may be, shall be the two candidates on the primary election ballot receiving the highest number of votes at the primary election. In case there shall not be for any office more than two persons who shall have filed petitions as provided for in this Charter, then said persons shall be the candidates at the regular Municipal election and the primary for the particular office shall not be held.
The name of each person who is nominated in compliance herewith shall be printed on the official ballot at the general election, and the names of no other candidates shall be printed thereon.
(Effective October 8, 1971)
All ballots used in elections held under authority of this Charter shall be without party marks or designations. Ballots used for the nomination or election of candidates shall contain a complete list of the offices to be filled, and the names of candidates for each office shall be arranged under the title thereof. Voters shall record their choices in the manner prescribed by the general law of the State.
(Effective November 4, 2008)
Counting the ballots cast at every election held under the authority of this Charter shall be administered as provided by the general laws of the State of Ohio. The candidate having the largest number of votes for each office voted upon at the regular Municipal election shall be declared elected to the office. In case it cannot be determined which of two or more candidates shall be declared elected, by reason of the fact that they have received the same number of votes, the election authorities shall determine by lot which of the candidates shall be declared elected.
(Effective April 28, 2020)
All elections provided for by this Charter, whether for the choice of officers or the submission of questions to the voters, shall be conducted by the election authorities prescribed by general law of the State; and the provisions of the general election laws of the State shall apply to all the elections except as provision is otherwise made by this Charter, and except further that the Council may, by ordinance, provide measures to promote and insure the purity and integrity of the ballot, and against corrupt practices in elections.
(Effective November 4, 2008)
The Mayor or any member of the Council may be removed from office by the electors of the City. The procedure for effecting such a removal shall be as follows:
Any elector of the City may make and file with the Clerk of the Council an affidavit stating the name of the officer whose removal is sought and the grounds alleged for such removal. The Clerk shall thereupon deliver to the elector making the affidavit copies of petition papers for demanding such a removal, printed copies of which he shall keep on file for distribution as herein provided. In issuing any such petition paper, the Clerk shall enter in a record to be kept in his office the name of the elector to whom issued, the date of issuance, and the number of papers issued, and shall certify upon each such paper the name of the elector to whom issued and the date of issuance. No petition paper shall be accepted as part of a petition unless it bears such certificate of the Clerk and unless filed as hereinafter provided.
(Effective November 8, 1994)