§ 347.08 Regulations for Trash Areas and Refuse Containers
   The following regulations apply to all lots in all zoning districts, except for those lots located in any district with a single or two (2) family dwelling- thereon.
   Where similar regulations are presented elsewhere in ordinances of the Building or Zoning Codes, the most restrictive requirements shall govern.
   (a)   Location. Where permitted by the Zoning Code, trash areas and refuse containers shall be located in such manner that they shall not be visible from the public street or from any lot or lots designated for residential purpose. Such trash areas shall be screened with opaque fencing not lower than the height of the refuse containers therein.
   Adequate vehicular access to and from such area or areas for collection of trash and/or garbage shall be provided at reasonable hours.
   (b)   Storage. All trash and garbage and all organic materials must be compacted, and all odorous materials must be stored in airtight containers to avoid emission of obnoxious odors.
   (c)   Construction. All refuse containers shall be built of noncombustible materials and placed on concrete slab. Loading and unloading doors of refuse containers shall have locking latches and must be locked at all times other than when refuse is being loaded or collected.
(Ord. No. 1003-87. Passed 6-15-87, eff. 6-19-87)