251.01 Title and Distribution
251.02 Air Cleaning Equipment
251.03 Air Contaminant
251.04 Air Pollution
251.05 Ambient Air
251.06 Ambient Air Quality Standards
251.07 AGA
251.08 ASME
251.09 ASTM
251.10 Appeals Board
251.11 Architectural Coating
251.12 Asbestos
251.13 Atmosphere
251.14 Best Available Control Technology
251.15 Blast Furnace
251.16 Boiler
251.17 BTU or British Thermal Unit
251.18 Clean Air Act
251.19 Commenced
251.20 Commissioner
251.21 Compliance Schedule
251.22 Control Equipment
251.23 Criteria Pollutant
251.24 Effluent Water Separator
251.25 Emission
251.26 Existing Source
251.27 Fuel
251.28 Fuel-Burning Equipment
251.29 Fuel-Burning Equipment Input Capacity
251.30 Fugitive Emissions
251.31 Incinerator
251.32 Install or Installation
251.33 Liquid Organic Material
251.34 Major Source
251.35 Minor Source
251.36 Mobile Source
251.37 Modify or Modification
251.38 New Source
251.39 Odor
251.40 OEPA
251.41 Opacity
251.42 Open Burning
251.43 Organic Material
251.44 Organic Solvent
251.45 Owner or Operator
251.46 Particulate Matter
251.47 Person
251.48 Petroleum Cracking
251.49 Photochemically Reactive Material
251.50 Process Equipment
251.51 Process Weight
251.52 Process Weight Per Hour
251.53 Refuse
251.54 Ringelmann Chart
251.55 Seal
251.56 Significant Source
251.57 Smoke
251.58 Source
251.59 Source Operation
251.60 Stack
251.61 Standard Conditions
251.62 Stationary Source
251.63 Submerged Fill Pipe
251.64 Uncontrolled Mass Rate of Emission
251.65 Unit Operation
251.66 Unit Process
251.67 Vapor Blowdown System
251.68 Visible Emission
251.69 Volatile Photochemically Reactive Material
251.70 Waste Gas Flare
251.71 Transfer Operations
Statutory reference:
State definitions, RC 3704.01
State definitions, RC 3704.01
This part of the Codified Ordinances shall be known as the “Air Pollution Code” and may be separately printed and distributed. The term “this Code” wherever used in this Title Five means the Air Pollution Code of the City of Cleveland.
(Ord. No. 857-A-76. Passed 6-27-77, eff. 6-30-77)
“Air contaminant” means any smoke, vapors (except water vapor), charred paper, dust, soot, grim, carbon fumes, gases, mist (except uncombined water), odors, particulate matter, radioactive materials, noxious chemicals or any other material which is discharged directly or indirectly into the atmosphere.
(Ord. No. 857-A-76. Passed 6-27-77, eff. 6-30-77)
“Air pollution” means the presence in the atmosphere of one (1) or more air contaminants, such as dust, fumes, gas, mist, odor, smoke or vapor in quantities, of characteristics and of duration such as to be injurious to human, plant or animal life or to property, or which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property or the conduct of business.
(Ord. No. 857-A-76. Passed 6-27-77, eff. 6-30-77)
“Ambient air quality standards” mean ambient air quality goals expressed numerically and intended to be attained and maintained in a stated time through the application of appropriate preventive or control measures.
(Ord. No. 857-A-76. Passed 6-27-77, eff. 6-30-77)