Installations, Equipment and the Like
   92.01   Prohibiting future installation for/use of liquified petroleum gases within fire limits
   92.02   Equipment installed inside fire limits to comply with regulations
   92.03   Installations outside of fire limits
   92.04   Inspection
   92.05   All equipment to be inspected
   92.06   Fees for inspection
   92.07   Tanks prohibited on town property; tanks for wholesale prohibited
   92.08   Tank trucks and trailers
   92.09   Malodorant
Regulate the Use, Handling, Storage and Sale
   92.25   Applicability
   92.26   Unlawful amounts of flammable liquids
   92.27   Applications
   92.28   Notification to Inspector
   92.29   Underground storage tank requirements
   92.30   Drawing flammable liquids from tank cars prohibited
   92.31   Gasoline contained in the reservoir
   92.32   Special permission
   92.33   Dry cleaning establishments
   92.34   Material and construction of tanks
   92.35   Location and installation
   92.36   Vent pipes in underground storage
   92.37   Filling pipes
   92.38   Matches and smoking prohibited around flammable liquids
   92.39   Prohibited to fill gas containers with motors running
   92.40   Portable wheeled tanks and handling flammable liquids in buildings is prohibited
   92.41   Flammable liquids around open flames is prohibited
   92.42   Tank wagons to be approved by Inspector
   92.99   Penalty