Massage Establishments
848.01   Definitions.
848.02   Operation of massage establishments; permit required.
848.03   Permit application; filing fee; issuance or denial.
848.04   Contents of application.
848.05   Permit fee; issuance; effective period.
848.06   Denial of permits; appeals.
848.07   Revocation or suspension of permits.
848.08   Masseurs and masseuses; permit required; filing fee.
848.09   Permit applications.
848.10   Physical examinations required.
848.11   Issuance of permits; effective period.
848.12   Suspension or revocation of permits; appeals.
848.13   Identification cards.
848.14   Transfer of permits.
848.15   Display of permits.
848.16   Time limit for filing applications for permits.
848.17   Facilities and equipment; certification by Building Inspector.
848.18   Operating requirements.
848.19   Inspections.
848.20   Employment of minors.
848.21   Employment of masseurs and masseuses.
848.22   Records.
848.23   Exceptions.
848.24   Rules and regulations.
848.25   Declaration of nuisance,
848.26   Separability.
848.99   Penalty.
   Massage as part of barber school curriculum -- see Ill. R. S. Ch. 16-3/4, Sec. 14.56
   Physical therapy -- see Ill. R. S. Ch. 91, Sec. 22.1
   Sex related offenses -- see GEN. OFF. Ch. 674