17-6-0201 Purpose and Applicability. The "POS", Parks and Open Space zoning district is intended to preserve, protect and enhance lands set aside for public open space, public parks and public beaches. Such areas and facilities provide many benefits to city residents and visitors. They provide cultural and recreation opportunities; preserve natural and scenic areas; protect sensitive natural resource areas; and offer refuge from the built, urban environment. The POS district is also intended to be applied to cemetery lands. Other than cemeteries, the POS district is intended to be applied exclusively to public-owned lands.
17-6-0202 Establishment. POS zoning may be established or changed to another classification only in accordance with the Zoning Map Amendment procedures of Sec. 17-13-0300. Parcels zoned POS must be identified with the map symbol "POS" and accompanied by an indication of the applicable park or open space type:
1. have been approved by the governing body with jurisdiction over the park or open space area (e.g., Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners); and
2. comply with all other applicable standards of this Zoning Ordinance.
17-6-0203-B Special Uses. Uses identified with an "S" may be allowed if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900, provided they:
1. have been approved by the governing body with jurisdiction over the park or open space area; and
2. comply with all other applicable standards of this Zoning Ordinance.
17-6-0203-C Planned Developments. Uses identified with a "PD" may be allowed if reviewed and approved in accordance with the procedures of Sec. 17-13-0600, provided they:
1. have been approved by the governing body with jurisdiction over the park or open space area (e.g., Chicago Park District Board of Commissioners); and
2. comply with all other applicable standards of this Zoning Ordinance.
17-6-0203-D Accessory Uses. Uses that are necessarily and customarily associated with, and appropriate, incidental, and subordinate to allowed principal uses will be allowed as accessory uses within the POS district. No attempt is made in the use table to identify all allowed accessory uses, although some examples are listed. Uses identified with an "A" and others as determined by the Zoning Administrator may be permitted by-right when they constitute an accessory use or activity to the primary use of the park/open space site, provided that they:
1. have been approved by the governing body with jurisdiction over the park or open space area; and
2. comply with all other applicable standards of this Zoning Ordinance.
For a printer-friendly PDF version of Table 17-6-0203-E, please click here.
USE GROUP | Park/Open Space Facility Type | Additional Standards | ||||
Use Category | POS-1 Regional or Community Parks | POS-2 Neighborhood, Mini- and Play-lot Parks | POS-3 Open Space/ Natural Areas | POS-4 Cemeteries | ||
Specific Use Type | ||||||
A = accessory P= permitted by-right S = special use approval required - = Not allowed |
USE GROUP | Park/Open Space Facility Type | Additional Standards | ||||
Use Category | POS-1 Regional or Community Parks | POS-2 Neighborhood, Mini- and Play-lot Parks | POS-3 Open Space/ Natural Areas | POS-4 Cemeteries | ||
Specific Use Type | ||||||
A = accessory P= permitted by-right S = special use approval required - = Not allowed | ||||||
A. Daycare | P | P | - | - | ||
B. Parks and Recreation | ||||||
1. | Arboretums and Botanical Gardens | P | P | P | - | |
2. | Band Shells and Outdoor Theaters | P | P | - | - | |
3. | Batting Cage | P | P | - | - | |
4. | Beaches | P | P | P | - | |
5. | Bowling Alley | P | P | - | - | |
6. | Canoe/Boat Launch | P | P | P | - | |
7. | Community Center, Recreation Building and Similar Assembly Use | S | S | - | - | |
8. | Community Garden | P | P | - | - | |
9. | Conservatories and Greenhouses | P | - | - | - | |
10. | Dog Park | P | P | - | - | |
11. | Driving Range | P | - | - | - | |
12. | Fishing Pier | P | P | P | - | |
13. | Forest or Nature Preserve | P | P | P | - | |
14. | Golf Courses | P | - | - | - | |
15. | Harbor Facilities | P | - | - | - | |
16. | Ice Skating Rink (indoor and outdoor) | P | P | - | - | |
17. | Marinas | PD | - | - | - | |
18. | Miniature Golf | P | P | - | - | |
19. | Passive Open Space | P | P | P | - | |
20. | Playgrounds including water play areas | P | P | - | - | |
21. | Playing Courts (basketball, volleyball, etc.,) | P | P | - | - | |
22. | Playing Fields (baseball, soccer, etc.,) | P | P | - | - | |
23. | Skate Park | P | P | - | - | |
24. | Swimming Pools | P | P | - | - | |
25. | Tennis Courts (indoor and outdoor) | P | P | - | - | |
26. | Trails for Hiking, Bicycling, or Running | P | P | P | - | |
27. | Zoos | PD | - | - | - | |
28. | Parks and Recreation uses not listed above | Allowed when expressly approved by governing body with jurisdiction over facility or shown on approved master plan | ||||
C. Cultural Exhibits and Libraries | PD | PD | - | - | ||
D. Utility Service, Major | S | S | S | S | ||
E. Utility Service, Minor | P | P | P | P | ||
F. Hospitals | p | - | - | - | ||
G. Food and Beverage Retail Sales | A | A | - | - | No liquor/alcohol sales allowed | |
H. Funeral and Interment Services | ||||||
1. | Cemeteries and Mausoleums | - | - | - | P | |
I. Eating and Drinking Establishments | A | A | - | - | ||
OTHER | ||||||
J. Field house, locker rooms or similar buildings that support primary outdoor recreation areas. | A | A | - | - | ||
K. Kiosks | A | A | - | - | ||
L. Off-Street Parking, Accessory | A | A | - | |||
M. Off-Street Parking, Non-accessory | S | S | - | - | ||
N. Restrooms | A | A | - | - | ||
O. Storage and Maintenance Areas/Buildings | A | A | - | - | Must be screened from public view by fences, walls and landscaping | |
P. Temporary Uses | P | P | - | - | ||
Q. Wireless Communication Facilities | ||||||
1. | Co-located | P | P | - | P | |
2. | Freestanding (Tower) | S | S | - | S | |
R. Coke & Coal Bulk Material | - | - | - | - | ||
S. Manganese-bearing Material Operation | - | - | - | - | ||
T. Wagering Facility | P | - | - | - | ||
1. The size, location and design of all buildings, structures, activity areas and other improvements must be expressly approved by the governing body with jurisdiction over the park or open space area or shown on an approved Park Master Plan.
2. Buildings must be set back from side property lines and rear property lines at least one foot for each foot of building height.
3. No front setback is required, except on lots abutting R-zoned lots that have lot frontage on the same street. The required front setback in those cases must be equal to at least 50% of the front yard that exists on the abutting R-zoned lot. If the abutting R- zoned lot is vacant, the 50% must be calculated on the basis of the abutting lot's required front setback.
17-6-0204-B Lakefront Protection Ordinance; Applicability. All development proposed within the boundaries of the Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District are subject to the provisions of Chapter 16-4 (Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance).
1. The vehicular use area landscaping standards of Sec. 17-11-0200 apply within the POS district.
2. All maintenance facilities and outdoor storage areas must be completely screened from view of recreation areas within parks and from abutting streets and R-zoned property.
17-6-0204-F Exceptions. Any application seeking a zoning map amendment, pursuant to Section 17-13-0300, in order to establish a day care, parks and recreation, eating and drinking establishment with an outdoor patio or outdoor assembly use that is proposed to be established within 660' of any (a) windrow composting facility, (b) intensive manufacturing, production and industrial service use, (c) Class III, Class IVA, Class IVB and Class V recycling facility, (d) warehousing, wholesaling, and freight movement use, (e) container storage, (f) freight terminal, (g) outdoor storage of raw material as a principal use, (h) waste-related use, or (i) manganese-bearing material operation use may be allowed only if farther reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Section 17-13-0900, unless it otherwise meets a planned development threshold of Section 17-8-0500.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 84870, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-07, p. 98536, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-8-11, p. 7541, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 4-30-14, p. 80394, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 3-28-18, p. 74512, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 3-24-21, p. 29065, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-21, p. 42922, § 10)
17-6-0302 Establishment. "T" zoning may be established or changed to another classification only in accordance with the Zoning Map Amendment procedures of Sec. 17-13-0300. Lands included in the T district must be identified with the map symbol "T".
1. Roads,
2. Commuter and freight rail lines and activities directly related to the provision of commuter or freight rail service;
3. Bus ways;
4. Pedestrian and bicycle trails;
5. Minor utilities;
6. Customary and incidental accessory uses to any of the uses described above, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
17-6-0303-B Other Uses. Only those uses listed in Sec. 17-6-0303-A are allowed in the T district. Land within a T district may be put to another use only after rezoning to a base zoning district classification that allows such use, following the Zoning Map Amendment procedures of Sec. 17-13-0300.
17-6-0304 Buildings and Structures. The only permanent buildings or structures allowed in a T district are those directly and customarily related to uses allowed under Sec. 17-6-0303. Buildings in the T district may not exceed a floor area ratio of 1.5.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275)
1. foster the city's industrial base;
2. maintain the city's diversified economy for the general welfare of its citizens;
3. strengthen existing manufacturing areas that are suitable in size, location and character and which the City Council deems may benefit from designation as a PMD;
4. encourage industrial investment, modernization, and expansion by providing for stable and predictable industrial environments; and
5. help plan and direct programs and initiatives to promote growth and development of the city's industrial employment base.
17-6-0401-C Establishment. PMD zoning may be established only in accordance with the PMD rezoning procedures of Sec. 17-13-0700.
1. Reserved
2. P.M.D. 2, Elston Corridor
3. P.M.D. 3, Goose Island
4. P.M.D. 4, Kinzie Corridor
5. P.M.D. 5, Chicago/Halsted Corridor
6. P.M.D. 6, Lake Calumet
7. P.M.D. 7, Western/Ogden
8. P.M.D. 8, Stockyards
9. P.M.D. 9, Northwest
10. P.M.D. 10, West Pullman
11. P.M.D. 11, Pilsen
12. P.M.D. 12, Harlem
13. P.M.D. 13, Greater Southwest
14. P.M.D. 14, Kennedy
15. P.M.D. 15, Armitage
17-6-0403-B Special Uses. Uses identified with an "S" may be allowed if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900, subject to compliance with all other applicable standards of this Zoning Ordinance.
17-6-0403-E Planned Developments. Uses identified with a "PD" may be allowed if reviewed and approved in accordance with the planned development procedures of Sec. 17-13-0600. Other uses and development activities may also require review and approval as a planned development based on their size, height or other threshold criteria. (See the mandatory planned development thresholds of Sec. 17-8-0500)
For a printer-friendly PDF version of Table 17-6-0403-F, please click here.
USE GROUP | Use Standard | |||||||||||||||||||
Use Category | No. 2 | No. 3 | No. 4 | No. 5 | No. 6 | No. 7 | No. 8 | No. 9 | No. 10 | No. 11 | No. 12 | No. 13 | No. 14 | No. 15
| ||||||
Specific Use Type
| A | B
| A | B | A | B
| A | B
| ||||||||||||
P = permitted by right S = special use approval req'd PD = planned development approval req'd - = not allowed |
USE GROUP | Use Standard | |||||||||||||||||||
Use Category | No. 2 | No. 3 | No. 4 | No. 5 | No. 6 | No. 7 | No. 8 | No. 9 | No. 10 | No. 11 | No. 12 | No. 13 | No. 14 | No. 15
| ||||||
Specific Use Type
| A | B
| A | B | A | B
| A | B
| ||||||||||||
P = permitted by right S = special use approval req'd PD = planned development approval req'd - = not allowed | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
A. Day Care | - | - | - | S | - | - | - | S | - | S | - | - | - | S | - | - | - | - | ||
B. Detention and Correctional Facilities | - | - | S | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
C. Parks and Recreation (except as more specifically regulated) | S | S | - | - | S | S | S | P | S | S | S | S | S | P | S | S | S | - | ||
1. | Community Centers, Recreation Buildings and Similar Assembly Use | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | S | - | - | - | S | - | - | - | - | |
2. | Community Garden | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |
D. Postal Service | - | - | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
E. Public Safety Services | - | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
F. Religious Assembly | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | - | - | - | - | ||
G. Utilities and Services, Minor | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
H. Utilities and Services, Major | P | P | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | P | S | P | P | P | P | ||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
I. Animal Services | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Shelters / Boarding Kennels | P | P | P | P | P | S | S | P | P | P | S | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
2. | Sales and Grooming | P | P | - | - | - | - | - | P | S | S | - | - | - | P | - | - | - | - | |
3. | Veterinary | P | P | - | - | - | S | - | P | S | P | S | S | S | P | S | S | - | P | |
4. | Stables | P | P | P | P | P | S | S | S | P | S | S | S | P | S | - | - | - | P | |
J. Artist Work Space | - | P | - | - | - | - | - | P | P | P | - | - | P | P | S | S | - | - | § 17-6-0403-G.1 | |
K. Building Maintenance Services | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
L. Business Support Services | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Copying and Reproduction | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | § 17-6-0403-G.2 |
2. | Business/Trade school | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
3. | Day Labor Employment Agency | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | P | S | P | S | S | S | P | S | S | S | P | |
4. | Employment Agencies | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
M. Urban Farm | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Indoor Operation | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
2. | Outdoor Operation | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | P | P | - | - | - | P | - | - | |
3. | Rooftop Operation | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
N. Communication Service Establishments | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
O. Construction Sales and Service | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Building Material Sales | - | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | § 17-6-0403-G.4 |
2. | Contractor/ Construction Storage Yard | - | - | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
P. Drive-Through Facility | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | S | S | S | S | - | S | S | - | - | S | - | ||
Q. Eating and Drinking Establishments | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Restaurant, Limited | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | § 17-6-0403-G.5 |
2. | Restaurant, General | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | § 17-6-0403-G.5 |
3. | Tavern | P | P | - | P | P | P | P | P | S | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | - | § 17-6-0403-G.5 |
R. Entertainment and Spectator Sports | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Small Venue | P | S | - | S | S | - | - | P | - | S | S | - | - | P | - | - | - | - | |
2. | Medium Venue | - | - | - | S | S | - | - | P | - | S | - | - | P | P | - | - | - | - | |
3. | Wagering Facility | - | - | P/S | P/S | P/S | - | P/S | P/S | P/S | - | P/S | - | P/S | P/S | - | - | - | - | |
4. | Industrial Private Event Venue including incidental liquor sales | - | P | - | P | - | - | - | - | P* | P* | - | - | P | P | - | - | - | - | |
* Editor's note – Coun. J. 2-10-16, p. 18766, § 13, did not distinguish between No. 8 "A" and No. 8 "B"; "P" inserted in both columns at the discretion of the Code editor. | ||||||||||||||||||||
S. Financial Services (except as more specifically regulated) | P | P | - | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | - | § 17-6-0403-G.6 | |
1. | Consumer Loan Establishment | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | P | - | S | - | - | - | P | - | - | - | - | |
2. | Payday/Title Secured Loan Store | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | S | - | - | - | S | - | - | - | - | |
3. | Pawn Shop | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | S | - | - | - | S | - | - | - | - | |
T. Food and Beverage Retail Sales | P | P | - | P | - | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | P | P | - | - | - | - | § 17-6-0403-G.7 | |
U. Gas Stations | S | S | - | S | S | P | P | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | - | S | ||
V. Medical Service | P | P | - | P | P | - | S | P | P | P | S | S | P | P | P | P | - | P | § 17-6-0403-G.8 | |
W. Office (except as more specifically regulated) | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
1. | Electronic Data Storage Center | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
X. Parking, Non- Accessory | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | - | P | ||
Y. Personal Service | - | P | - | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | - | § 17-6-0403-G.10 | |
Z. Repair or Laundry Service, Consumer | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | - | § 17-6-0403-G.11 | |
AA. Residential Storage Warehouse | - | - | - | - | - | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | S | P | P | P | P | P | ||
BB. Retail Sales, General | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | S | P | P | P | P | S | S | P/S | P | § 17-6-0403-G.12 | |
CC. Sports and Recreation, Participant | S | S | S | S | S | - | S | P | - | S | - | P | - | P | - | - | P | - | ||
1. | Shooting Range Facility | S | S | - | S | S | - | S | S | - | S | - | S | - | S | - | - | S | - | |
DD. [Reserved] | ||||||||||||||||||||
EE. Vehicle Sales and Service | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Auto Supply/Accessory Sales | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | P | - | S | - | - | - | P | - | - | - | - | § 17-6-0403-G.13 |
2. | Car Wash or Cleaning Service | - | - | S | S | S | S | S | P | S | P | S | S | S | P | S | S | - | S | |
3. | Heavy Equipment Sales/ Rental | - | - | S | S | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | |
4. | Light Equipment Sales/Rental (e.g., auto, motorcycle and boat sales) | P D | - | - | - | - | - | - | P | - | P | - | - | P | P | - | - | P | - | |
5. | Motor Vehicle Repair Shop, not including body work, painting or commercial vehicle repairs | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | P | |
6. | Motor Vehicle Repair Shop, may include body work, painting or commercial vehicle repairs | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | - | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
7. | Vehicle Storage and Towing | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | S | S | P | S | P | S | P | P | - | P | |
8. | RVs or Boat Storage | - | - | P | P | P | - | P | S | S | S | P | - | P | S | P | P | - | P | § 17-6-0403-G.14 |
| ||||||||||||||||||||
FF. Manufacturing, Production and Industrial Service | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Artisan (on-site production of goods by hand manufacturing, involving the use of hand tools and small-scale, light mechanical equipment) | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
2. | Limited (manufacturing of finished parts or products, primarily from previously prepared materials) | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
3. | General (all manufacturing – except intensive manufacturing – of finished or unfinished products, primarily from extracted or raw materials, or recycled or secondary materials, or bulk storage and handling of such products) | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | - | P | P | P | P | P | - | P | P | P | P | |
4. | Intensive (manufacturing of acetylene, cement lime, gypsum or plaster-of-paris, chlorine, corrosive acid or fertilizer, insecticides, disinfectants, poisons, explosives, paint, lacquer, varnish, petroleum products, coal products, plastic and synthetic resins and radioactive materials) | P | - | - | - | - | P | - | - | P | - | - | - | P | - | P | P | P | - | |
GG. [Reserved] | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
HH. Recycling Facilities | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Class I | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | |
2. | Class II | S | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | |
3. | Class III | - | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | S | - | S | - | S | - | P | P | P | - | |
4. | Class IVA | - | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | S | - | S | ||
5. | Class IVB | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | S | - | S | ||
6. | Class V | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | - | S | - | - | |
II. Warehouse and Freight Movement (except as more specifically regulated) | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
1. | Container Storage | - | - | - | - | S | S | S | S | S | - | S | S | P | S | S | S | - | - | |
2. | Freight Terminal | - | - | S | - | S | S | S | S | S | - | S | S | P | S | P | P | P | - | |
3. | Outdoor Storage or Raw Materials as a Principal Use | - | - | S | - | - | P | - | - | S | - | P | S | P | - | P | P | P | P | |
JJ. Waste-Related Use | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Hazardous Materials Disposal or Storage | - | - | - | - | - | P | - | - | S | - | S | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | |
2. | Liquid Waste Handling Facilities | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | S | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | |
3. | Reprocessable Construction / Demolition Material Facility | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | S | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | |
4. | Resource Recovery Facilities | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | S | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | |
5. | Transfer Stations | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | S | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | |
6. | Modified Transfer Stations | - | - | - | - | - | S | - | - | S | - | S | - | S | - | S | S | S | - | |
| ||||||||||||||||||||
KK. Signs, Advertising (Billboards) | - | - | - | - | - | - | P | P | P | - | P | P | S | S | P | P | - | - | ||
LL. Wireless Communication Facilities | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Co-located | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | |
2. | Free-standing (Towers) | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | P | S | P | P | P | P | |
MM. Coke & Coal Bulk Material | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
NN. Cannabis Business Establishments | ||||||||||||||||||||
1. | Cannabis Cultivation Center | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | |
2. | Cannabis Craft Grower | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | |
3. | Cannabis Infuser | S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| |
4. | Cannabis Processor | S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| S
| |
OO. Manganese-bearing Material Operation | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
17-6-0403-G Supplemental Use Standards. In addition to the use standards listed in Sec. 17-9-0100, the following Supplemental Use standards also shall apply where specifically indicated.
1. Artist Work Space. Accessory galleries, showrooms and sales spaces shall not be larger than 4,000 square feet. In PMD 8, one accessory dwelling unit for an artist's household may be established within the principal building provided the floor area of the dwelling unit is less than or equal to the floor area of the artist's work space within the building and the dwelling unit is separated from the artist's work space and all other areas of the building in accordance with Section 14B-5-508.
2. Business Support Service. Copying and reproduction services as a principal use shall not be larger than 3,000 square feet, provided:
a. this floor area limit does not apply to projects which reuse an existing building;
b. this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
3. Urban Farm. Retail sales are limited to sales of goods produced on site, and sales space shall not occupy more than 3,000 square feet.
4. Construction Sales and Service. Building material sales uses shall have a maximum customer accessible retail sales area of not more than 20% of gross floor area, provided this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
5. Eating and Drinking Establishments. Eating and drinking establishments shall not be larger than 4,000 square feet and shall not provide entertainment, provided:
a. in PMD 3, PMD 4, PMD 9 and PMD 14 the maximum floor area limit is 8,000 square feet, there is no entertainment restriction, and the Zoning Board of Appeals is authorized to (i) increase the maximum floor area to 12,000 square feet and (ii) allow an accessory outdoor patio if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900;
b. these floor area and entertainment limits do not apply in PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
6. Financial Service. Financial service uses shall not be larger than 3,000 square feet, provided:
a. this maximum floor area limit is 6,000 square feet in PMD 9 on lots abutting West North Avenue;
b. this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
7. Food and Beverage Retail Sales. Food and beverage retail sales uses shall not be larger than 3,000 square feet, provided:
a. this maximum floor area limit is 8,000 square feet in PMD 3;
b. this maximum floor area limit is 6,000 square feet in PMD 8 on lots abutting South Halsted Street north of Pershing Road;
c. this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 4B, PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
8. Medical Service. Medical service uses shall not be larger than 9,000 square feet, provided:
a. this floor area limit does not apply to projects which reuse an existing building;
b. this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
9. Office. Office uses shall not be larger than 9,000 square feet, provided:
a. this floor area limit does not apply to projects which reuse an existing building or are accessory to an allowed industrial use;
b. this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 2, PMD 3 and PMD 5;
c. this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 4A, on lots abutting North Ashland Avenue if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900;
d. this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 4B, PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
10. Personal Service. Personal service uses shall not be larger than 3,000 square feet, provided:
a. the floor area limit is 8,000 square feet in PMD 3 and PMD 4B;
b. the floor area limit does not apply in PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
11. Repair or Laundry Service, Consumer. Consumer repair or laundry service uses shall not be larger than 3,000 square feet, provided this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 4B, PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD 11B.
12. Retail Sales, General. General retail sales are limited to incidental sales of goods produced on site, and retail space shall not occupy more than 3,000 square feet or 20% of the total gross floor area, whichever is less, provided:
a. this on-site production limit shall not apply in PMD 4B, and the Zoning Board of Appeals is authorized to increase the maximum floor area limit if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900;
b. this on-site production and floor area limit does not apply in PMD 7B, PMD 8B, and PMD 11B;
c. this on-site production and floor area limit does not apply in PMD 14 if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900.
13. Auto Supply/Accessory Sales. Auto supply/accessory sales uses shall not be larger than 3,000 square feet, provided this floor area limit does not apply in PMD 7B, PMD 8B and PMD.
14. RVs or Boat Storage. In PMD 6, boat storage is permitted only on sites of 10 acres or more located on the Calumet River north of East 100th Street.
15. Manufacturing, Production and Industrial Service. In PMD 2, intensive manufacturing, production and industrial service uses are limited to asphalt plants and concrete plants only.
16. Incidental Commercial Use. Office buildings located on lots abutting North Ashland Avenue in PMD 4A may have incidental commercial use tenants if reviewed and approved in accordance with the special use procedures of Sec. 17-13-0900, provided the incidental commercial uses:
a. are located on the ground floor of the building;
b. are clearly incidental and subordinate to the office use;
c. occupy no more than 25%, in the aggregate, of the gross floor area of the ground floor of the building;
d. are limited to the following use categories:
i. Building Maintenance Services
ii. Business Support Services
iii. Day Care
iv. Financial Services (bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, currency exchange, and credit union use types only)
v. Food and Beverage Retail Sales (no liquor or live poultry sales)
vi. Medical Service
vii. Personal Service
viii. Repair or Laundry Service, Consumer
ix. Retail Sales, General
17. Fulfillment Centers. Warehouses may include the distribution of retail products, both general and food and beverage, directly to the consumer through third-party delivery, provided there is no customer-accessible sales area on site. Such products do not have to be produced on site.
17-6-0405-B Sign Standards. Development in all PMD districts must comply with the sign standards applicable to M districts (see Chapter 17-12).
17-6-0405-C Off-street Parking. Development in all PMD districts must comply with the off-street standards applicable to M1, M2 and M3 districts (See Sec. 17-5-0206 and Chapter 17-10). When no off-street parking standard for a PMD use is established in Sec. 17-5-0206, a parking standard must be established in accordance with Sec. 17-10-0406)
17-6-0405-D Off-street Loading. Development in all PMD districts must comply with the off-street loading standards of Sec. 17-10-1100.
District | Maximum Floor Area Ratio |
District | Maximum Floor Area Ratio |
P.M.D. No. 2 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 3 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 4 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 5 | 5.0 |
P.M.D. No. 6 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 7 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 8 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 9 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 10 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 11 | 3.0 |
P.M.D. No. 12 | 2.2 |
P.M.D. No. 13 | 2.2 |
P.M.D. No. 14 | 2.2 |
P.M.D. No. 15 | 3.0 |
17-6-0407 Indoor/Outdoor Storage. Within 300 feet of any R district, all storage of goods and materials, except motor vehicles, must take place within a completely enclosed building or be effectively screened from view by a solid fence or wall (including solid entrance and exit gates) at least 8 feet in height.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25277, 25287, 25299; Amend Coun. J. 1-11-05, p. 41231; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 7-27-05, p. 54238; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-05, p. 55912; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-05, p. 55914; Amend Coun. J. 11-1-05, p. 60274; Amend Coun. J. 11-30-05, p. 62719; Amend Coun. J. 11-30-05, p. 62732; Amend Coun. J. 1-11-06, p. 67927; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 84870, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 9-27-07, p. 10279, §§ 2 – 4; Amend Coun. J. 4-9-08, p. 24657, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 1-13-09, p. 54380, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 2-11-09, p. 55336, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 5-12-10, p. 92107, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-12-10, p. 92109, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-9-11, p. 112149, § 23; Amend Coun. J. 6-8-11, p. 1725, § 4*; Amend Coun. J. 9-8-11, p. 7541, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 1-17-13, p. 45622, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-13-13, 47141, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 6-5-13, p. 55448, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 7-24-13, p. 58321, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 7-24-13, p. 58324, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-13, p. 71898, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-15-14, p. 73271, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-5-14, p. 74738, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-30-14, p. 80394, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 7-30-14, p. 86194, § 5; Amend Coun. J. 9-10-14, p. 88538, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-8-14, p. 93150, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-5-14, p. 96205, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 1-21-15, p. 102086, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-10-16, p. 18766, § 13; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 25018, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-16, p. 31756, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 3-29-17, p. 45475, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-24-17, p. 50364, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 7-26-17, p. 53898, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 11-21-17, p. 62501, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 3-28-18, p. 74512, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 6-27-18, p. 80808, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-20-18, p. 84908, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 3-13-19, p. 97359, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. II, § 108; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100807, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 9-18-19, p. 6224, §§ 2, 3; Amend Coun. J. 10-16-19, p. 7854, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VII, § 26; Amend Coun. J. 2-26-21, p. 28054, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 3-24-21, p. 29065, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 11-17-21, p. 41637, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 12-15-21, p. 42922, § 10; Amend Coun. J. 5-25-22, p. 48249, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 6-22-22, p. 49379, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 2-21-24, p. 9667, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 3-20-24, p. 10438, § 1)
* Editor's note– Coun. J. 6-8-11, p. 1725, § 4, mistakenly stated that it amended § 17-6-207. In reality, the ordinance amended this section; however, that amendment has been subsequently repealed.