Interior vertical openings, including stairways, elevator hoistways, and service and utility shafts, that connect two or more stories, must be enclosed or protected as specified in Sections 14X-5-502.7.1 through 14X-5-502.7.6.
Exception: Conditions allowed by the Chicago Building Code for new construction or conditions permitted under the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code.
In other than Group I-2 occupancies, interior vertical openings connecting three to five stories must be protected by either 1-hour fire-resistance-rated construction or an automatic sprinkler system must be installed throughout the building in accordance with the Chicago Building Code.
1. Vertical opening protection is not required for Group R-3 and R-5 occupancies.
2. Vertical opening protection is not required within parking garages and parking facilities.
3. Conditions allowed by the Chicago Building Code for new construction or conditions permitted under the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code.
In all occupancies, interior vertical openings connecting more than five stories must be protected by 1-hour fire- resistance-rated construction.
1. Vertical opening protection is not required for Group R-3 and R-5 occupancies.
2. Vertical opening protection is not required within parking garages and parking facilities.
3. Conditions allowed by the Chicago Building Code for new construction or conditions permitted under the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code.