The building official must collect a fee in accordance with Section 14A-12-1208 for the issuance of maximum capacity signs. Fees are to be assessed for each group of connected rooms or spaces operated by the same owner or lessee within a building, referred to as a "location." Where additional or revised maximum capacity signs are required because of the alteration or reconfiguration of a location for which a maximum capacity sign has been previously issued, the fee will be determined based only on the area that has been altered.
Where an application is submitted electronically, the building official is authorized to collect a review fee, as provided in Table 14A-12-1208.1, before the application is reviewed. Where applicable, the review fee is in addition to the base fee.
(Added Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. I, § 20)
The owner must post and continuously display the maximum capacity sign at a conspicuous, well-lit location at the main entrance to each theater, room, or space for which a maximum capacity sign is required by Section 14A-8-802. The maximum capacity sign must be securely mounted to a wall or partition.
For any theater, room, or space where a maximum capacity sign is displayed or required to be displayed by Section 14A-8-802, it is unlawful to cause or allow the theater, room, or space to be occupied by a number of persons exceeding the maximum capacity stated on the sign issued for the theater, room, or space. The building official, fire code official and Superintendent of Police may issue orders to enforce the limits stated on maximum capacity signs.
(Added Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. I, § 21)
Where a story, room, or space is used or intended to be used for mercantile, industrial, or storage purposes and has a floor designed for live loads exceeding 100 psf (4.80 kN/m2), the design live load must be conspicuously posted at or near the primary entrance to each story, room, or space, using durable signs supplied by the owner with characters not less than 2 inches (51 mm) in height. Where more than half but less than all of a story, room, or space is designed for live loads exceeding 100 psf (4.80 kN/m2), a durable floor plan indicating areas that are designed for lesser live loads must be posted in a conspicuous place at each exit from the story, room, or space. It is unlawful to remove or deface such signs.
1. Posting of floor loads is not required in buildings or portions thereof used exclusively for the production and distribution of electricity, gas, or steam.
2. Where floor loads are posted in accordance with requirements in effect at the time of construction or alteration.