Where a story, room, or space is used or intended to be used for mercantile, industrial, or storage purposes and has a floor designed for live loads exceeding 100 psf (4.80 kN/m2), the design live load must be conspicuously posted at or near the primary entrance to each story, room, or space, using durable signs supplied by the owner with characters not less than 2 inches (51 mm) in height. Where more than half but less than all of a story, room, or space is designed for live loads exceeding 100 psf (4.80 kN/m2), a durable floor plan indicating areas that are designed for lesser live loads must be posted in a conspicuous place at each exit from the story, room, or space. It is unlawful to remove or deface such signs.
1. Posting of floor loads is not required in buildings or portions thereof used exclusively for the production and distribution of electricity, gas, or steam.
2. Where floor loads are posted in accordance with requirements in effect at the time of construction or alteration.
Before applying for a certificate of occupancy under Section 14A-7-702, the owner of a building subject to Section 14A-8-803.1 must obtain the certification of a registered design professional that the signs required by Section 14A-8-803.1 have been posted and accurately reflect the structural design. The owner must retain this certification. A certificate of occupancy may not be issued until this certification has been shown to the building official.
Owners of theaters and other assembly occupancies must submit to the building official a diagram indicating the arrangement and number of tables, chairs or seats, and dimensions of dancing space, stages, platforms, aisles, and means of exit, and the total yardage of decorations permitted to hang in the audience room or hall. Where the occupancy contains a stage or platform, the diagram must also show the amount and type of scenery permitted on the stage or platform. One copy of such diagram, which has been approved by the building official, must be kept on the premises for which the approval has been granted and must be conspicuously displayed.