A building or structure may not be used or occupied, and a change of occupancy of an existing building or existing structure is prohibited, before the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy for the new occupancy as provided in Section 14A-7-702. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy does not authorize a violation of the Municipal Code.
1. A certificate of occupancy is not required for a building classified as occupancy Group R-5 or U in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Chicago Building Code.
2. A certificates of occupancy is not required for work exempt from permits in accordance with Section 14A-4-402.
3. A certificates of occupancy is not required for rehabilitation work affecting 10,000 square feet or less of gross floor area that does not involve a change of occupancy.
4. The building official may adopt rules which exempt additional scopes of work in existing buildings from this requirement.
5. The building official may adopt rules which exempt new construction in specified occupancies based on floor area.
(Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. I, § 12)
After the building official inspects the building or structure and does not find violations of the provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes or other laws that are enforced by the building official, the building official is directed to issue a certificate of occupancy that contains the following:
1. The permit number.
2. The address of the building.
3. The name and address of the owner.
4. A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is issued.
5. A statement that the described portion of the building has been inspected for compliance with the general, specific and structural requirements of the Chicago Construction Codes applicable to the building and the occupancy classification identified in the permit application.
6. The name of the building official.
Upon request of an owner or permit holder, the building official is authorized to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for such time and under such conditions as the building official determines appropriate and consistent with the standards of public safety and welfare. The building official is authorized to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for any portion of a building containing more than 3 dwelling units where that portion of the building is completely cut off from other parts of the building by fire-resistance rated construction and all provisions for means of egress required by the Chicago Building Code have been complied with. The cost of a temporary certificate of occupancy is not reflected in the permit fees provided under Chapter 4, and the building official may, by rule, establish fees for issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy reflecting costs of additional inspections and administration required to issue a temporary certificate.
The building official is authorized to, in writing, suspend or revoke a certificate of occupancy or temporary certificate of occupancy wherever the certificate is issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or where it is determined that the building or structure is in violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of the Municipal Code that creates an unsafe condition for occupants or the public.