Where a building is occupied in violation of Section 14A-7-702, the building official is authorized to notify the owner and occupants and order that the building must be vacated and not again occupied until shown to conform with all applicable requirements of the Chicago Construction Codes and the owner has obtained a certificate of occupancy as required by Section 14A-7-702.
A license may not be issued to any person to produce, operate, or offer for gain or profit any theatricals, shows, or amusements until the building official and the fire code official have certified in writing that the room or place where it is proposed to produce, operate, or offer such theatricals, shows, or amusements complies in every respect with the provisions of the Municipal Code relating to their respective departments.
(Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. I, § 13)