Written condition assessment reports for existing buildings and existing structures must be prepared and submitted to the building official as provided in Sections 14A-6-603.2 through 14A-6-603.4.
The owner of a high-rise building must obtain and submit written condition assessment reports regarding the exterior envelope of the building, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to, roof, exterior walls, windows and doors, balconies, fire escapes, chimneys, mechanical equipment, marquees, canopies, signs, flagpoles, and window washing and exterior maintenance systems as provided in this section.
For classes of existing buildings or individual buildings, the building official is authorized to require a periodic, close-up visual examination of the entire exterior envelope performed by or under the direct supervision of a registered design professional for the purpose of identifying deficiencies and determining if repair is required. The registered design professional must prepare a signed and sealed report, detailing the scope and findings of the examination, together with recommendations for repair where deficiencies are found, and provide it to the owner.
For classes of existing buildings or individual buildings, the building official is authorized to require periodic inspection of the entire exterior envelope performed by or under the direct supervision of a registered design professional for the purpose of identifying deficiencies and determining if repair is required. The registered design professional must prepare a signed and sealed report, detailing the scope and findings of the inspection, together with recommendations for repair where deficiencies are found, and provide it to the owner. Repairs recommended as a result of a periodic inspection must be completed by the owner in a timely manner.
Where a registered design professional determines, as a result of an examination or inspection required by this section, that the exterior envelope of a building is in need of repair, reinforcement, or removal to prevent imminent harm to building users or the public, the registered design professional must notify the building official in writing within 24 hours.