A permit is not required for the following repairs to buildings of Group R occupancy with not more than 4 stories above grade plane and accessory structures, such as private garages and carports, located on the same lot as such buildings:
1. In-kind replacement of windows.
2. In-kind replacement of interior or exterior doors.
3. Reroofing on other than low-sloped roofs.
4. In-kind replacement of exterior wood, vinyl, aluminum, fiber-cement, stucco, or EIFS siding.
5. In-kind replacement of a hot water heater.
6. In-kind replacement of a boiler.
7. In-kind replacement of a furnace.
8. In-kind replacement of air-conditioning equipment.
9. In-kind replacement of up to 50 square feet (4.6 m2) of masonry.
10. In-kind replacement of an exterior porch or stairs with a landing not exceeding 50 square feet (4.6 m2) and not more than 6 feet (1829 mm) above adjoining grade.
Exception: A permit is required for any work that affects the exterior or designated interior elements of a Chicago Landmark.
Instead of individual permits for each alteration or repair to an existing permitted electrical installation, the building official is authorized to issue a monthly electrical maintenance permit in advance for 30-day periods, to cover all electrical alterations and repairs during the 30-day period in a specific building or structure. All work done pursuant to a monthly electrical permit must be done under the direct supervision of the supervising electrician listed on the permit. A monthly electrical permit does not authorize electrical work that is performed by persons not under the direct supervision of the supervising electrician listed on the permit. The building official must collect a fee as provided in Section 14A-12-1204.1 for monthly electrical maintenance permits.
(Amend Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. II, § 7)
A complete record of all electrical installations, alterations, maintenance, and repairs that require a permit, which are performed under a monthly electrical maintenance permit, must be kept by the supervising electrician and owner and made available, upon request, to the building official.
(Amend Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. II, § 7)
Instead of individual permits for each repair to an existing plumbing installation and each repair to fuel gas piping in a residential occupancy, the building official is authorized to issue a monthly plumbing maintenance permit in advance for 30-day periods, to cover all plumbing repairs and repairs to fuel gas piping in a residential occupancy during the 30-day period in a specific building or structure. All work done pursuant to a monthly plumbing permit must be done by duly licensed employees of the plumbing contractor listed on the permit. A monthly plumbing permit does not authorize work that is performed by persons not employed by the plumbing contractor listed on the permit. The building official must collect a fee as provided in Section 14A-12-1204.1 for monthly plumbing maintenance permits.
(Added Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. II, § 7)
A complete record of all plumbing repair work that requires a permit and fuel gas repair work that requires a permit, which is performed under a monthly plumbing maintenance permit, must be kept by the plumbing contractor and owner and made available, upon request, to the building official.
(Added Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. II, § 7)