14A-4-403.2 Plumbing maintenance.
Instead of individual permits for each repair to an existing plumbing installation and each repair to fuel gas piping in a residential occupancy, the building official is authorized to issue a monthly plumbing maintenance permit in advance for 30-day periods, to cover all plumbing repairs and repairs to fuel gas piping in a residential occupancy during the 30-day period in a specific building or structure. All work done pursuant to a monthly plumbing permit must be done by duly licensed employees of the plumbing contractor listed on the permit. A monthly plumbing permit does not authorize work that is performed by persons not employed by the plumbing contractor listed on the permit. The building official must collect a fee as provided in Section 14A-12-1204.1 for monthly plumbing maintenance permits.
(Added Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. II, § 7)