The building official is authorized to request termination of water service in accordance with Chapter 11-12 of the Municipal Code.
The building official is authorized to cut off and discontinue gas service to installations and equipment found to be dangerous to life and property. The building official is authorized to attach to gas installations and equipment an official notice or seal to prevent use of gas. It is unlawful for any other person to put or attach such seal or to break, change, destroy, tear, mutilate, cover, or otherwise deface or injure any such official notice or seal posted by the building official.
(Amend Coun. J. 7-24-19, p. 3646, § 15)
The building official is directed to notify the serving utility and, wherever possible, the owner and occupants of the building, structure, or system of the decision to disconnect before disconnection. If not notified before disconnection, the owner must be notified as soon as practical thereafter.