14A-3-301.5 Removal of official notices.
It is unlawful for any person to remove, alter, cover, or obliterate any notice or sign lawfully posted by or at the direction of the building official or other City official authorized to post notices or signs under the Chicago Construction Codes without the written permission of the building official or other City official who posted or directed the posting of the notice or sign, or a written order authorizing such action from a court or administrative body responsible for an enforcement proceeding to which the notice or sign relates.
14A-3-301.6 Records.
Records of investigations by the building official, including inspections of buildings, structures, and premises, are public records and are admissible in administrative and judicial enforcement proceeding as prima facie evidence as to their contents.
14A-3-301.7 Cumulative remedies.
Where Sections 14A-3-302 through 14A-3-315 and other provisions of the Municipal Code provide more than one penalty, legal remedy, or method of enforcement for a type of violation of the Chicago Construction Codes, no one penalty, legal remedy, or method of enforcement limits or impairs the scope, operation, or effectiveness of each or any other authorized penalty, legal remedy, or method of enforcement available for the prevention, restriction, correction or abatement of, penalty for, or recovery of costs related to that violation of the Chicago Construction Codes.
14A-3-302 FINE.
14A-3-302.1 Scope.
Each violation of a provision of the Chicago Construction Codes or interference with the enforcement of the Chicago Construction Codes must be punished by a fine as provided in Section 14A-12-1203. Each day that a violation continues and each act of interference is a separate and distinct offense.
14A-3-303.1 Scope.
Where the building official or other City official charged with responsibility for administering the Chicago Construction Codes determines that any structure or premises fails to conform to the minimum standards of health and safety set forth in the Chicago Construction Codes and the owner has failed to cause the structure or premises to conform with the provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes, the building official or other City official may request that the Corporation Counsel make application on behalf of the City to any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction for an injunction requiring compliance with the provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes or for such other order as the court or administrative body deems necessary or appropriate to secure such compliance.
(Amend Coun. J. 7-24-19, p. 3646, § 14)