The building official is directed to issue necessary notices or orders to ensure compliance with the Chicago Construction Codes.
Exception: The fire code official is directed to issue necessary notices or orders to ensure compliance with the Chicago Fire Prevention Code.
City officials and their respective assistants charged with the administration of any of the provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes, when acting within the scope of their employment, are authorized to enter any building or premises and any and all parts thereof at any reasonable time, or at any time when such building or premises is occupied by the public, in order to examine and assess its condition for compliance with the Chicago Construction Codes or to otherwise discharge their respective duties under the Municipal Code. It is unlawful for any person to obstruct or otherwise interfere with a lawful inspection conducted by such City officials or their respective assistants pursuant to this section.
Exception: Where the authority to inspect is limited by applicable law.
(Amend Coun. J. 7-24-19, p. 3646, § 10)
Beginning July 1, 2019, this Title 14A applies to all administrative, procedural, and enforcement matters within the jurisdiction of the building official related to applications for permit, building inspections, and construction, demolition, excavation, and rehabilitation work. On and after that date, this title supersedes conflicting provisions of the Municipal Code regarding these subjects.