In all cases where any action is taken by the building official to enforce the provisions of the Municipal Code, whether such action is taken pursuant to the express provisions of a particular section or in a case where discretionary power is given by the Municipal Code to the building official, such acts are done in the name of and on behalf of the City, and the building official in so acting for the City does not render himself or herself liable personally, and he or she is hereby relieved from all personal liability from any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any such act committed in good faith in the discharge of his or her duties, and any suit brought against the building official by reason thereof must be defended by the Corporation Counsel until the final termination of the proceedings therein. The building official is indemnified by the City from all costs or fees arising from such legal action.
The building official is authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of the Chicago Construction Codes. The building official may render interpretations of the Chicago Construction Codes and adopt policies and procedures to clarify the application of their provisions. Such interpretations, policies, and procedures must be consistent with the intent and purpose of the Chicago Construction Codes.
Exception: The building official may only render interpretations and adopt policies and procedures with respect to the Chicago Fire Prevention Code with the agreement of the fire code official.