Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words and terms shall, for the purposes of this code, have the meanings indicated in this chapter.
If a word or term is defined in this chapter and in a document adopted by reference in this code, the definition found in this chapter shall supersede any definition included in the document adopted by reference.
(Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. V, § 4)
AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION or AHJ. The commissioner of buildings.
CONVEYANCE DEVICE. An elevator, escalator, dumbwaiter, moving walk, or material lift; platform lift, stairway chairlift or wheelchair lift; personnel hoist or employee elevator; material hoist; belted manlift; conveyor and related equipment; industrial scissor lift; adjustable loading platform; permanent window washer platform; automotive lift; movable stage or orchestra floor; mechanical amusement riding device; or similar system or device.
ELEVATOR MECHANIC CONTRACTOR. A person licensed in accordance with Chapter 4-298.
MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT RIDING DEVICE. Any mechanized device or combination of devices, including electrical equipment which is an integral part of the device or devices, which carries one or more passengers along, around, or over a fixed or restricted course for the primary purpose of giving its passengers amusement, pleasure, thrills, or excitement.
REGULATORY AUTHORITY. The commissioner of buildings.