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Any person lawfully engaged in the business of manufacturing, dealing, selling, leasing, renting or exchanging motion picture films shall have the right to project pictures from nitrocellulose films by means of motion picture machines for exhibition to prospective purchasers, renters or lessees of films, in a room meeting the requirements of this chapter in respect thereto, which room shall not be required to conform to the special provision in the building provisions of this Code, governing theaters, public assembly units or other places where motion pictures are permitted to be shown.
Exhibition Room. Any motion picture trial exhibition room shall have a floor of the same type of construction as required for the building in which located and shall have both walls and ceiling of one- hour fire-resistive construction.
Projection Room. Every motion picture trial exhibition room shall have a projection room, which shall have an enclosure of the same character as required by Section 13-84-120 for a projection block in a theater. If the floor of the projection room is above the level of the floor of the exhibition room, the projection room shall be supported on structural members of noncombustible materials. Every opening in such room for the purposes of picture screen observation or operation of a projector shall be equipped with a closure such as required by Section 13-84-120 for a projection room in a theater.
(Prior code § 92-89)
Every motion picture trial exhibition room shall have ventilation as required by Chapter 13-176 of this Code for motion picture studios.
(Prior code § 92-90)
13-176 | The hyper-linked material is not part of the Chicago Building Code infobase and therefore is not included herein. The material is included in other provisions of the Chicago Municipal Code. The complete Chicago Municipal Code is available for purchase from American Legal Publishing in both print and Folio® versions. Please click here for the appropriate American Legal order form in printable Adobe® PDF format. For additional information, you may visit American Legal's website by clicking here. |
Every room used for the examination or repair of motion picture films shall be occupied by not more than eight persons at one time, and the floor area shall exceed 400 square feet, inclusive of a space of not less than four feet, six inches which shall be allowed between tables for aisles leading to exits.
(Prior code § 92-92)