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Liquefied petroleum fueled industrial trucks may be used in mercantile units only under the following conditions:
1. All spare full and empty cylinders shall be stored outside in accordance with the safety clearances outlined in Section 15-26-700 of this Code;
2. Changing or charging of cylinders on the industrial truck shall be conducted outside in the area where spare cylinders are stored;
3. The number of liquefied petroleum fueled industrial trucks shall not exceed the number of employees operating same.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
In buildings, the maximum aggregate amount of cylinders hooked into a manifold shall not exceed 300 pounds of liquefied petroleum gas capacity. Manifold of cylinders shall be separated by a distance of 20 feet.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
Portable heaters, including salamanders, shall be equipped with an approved automatic device to shut off the flow of gas to the main burner, and pilot if used, in the event of flame extinguishment. Such heaters having inputs above 50,000 British thermal units per hour shall be equipped with either a pilot which must be lighted and proved before the main burner can be turned on or an electric ignition system. These provisions do not apply to tar kettle, burners, torches or melting pots. The heat flow from portable heaters shall not be directed toward any liquefied petroleum gas cylinder.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
All containers for liquefied petroleum gas shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII Unfired Pressure Vessels, 1973 Edition or the Interstate Commerce Commission or Department of Transportation regulations. Each container shall have markings as required by the code under which it is manufactured. All containers shall be protected from mechanical injury whenever used or stored.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
Valves, fittings and accessories connected directly to the container, including primary shutoff valves, shall have a rated working pressure of at least 250 pounds per square inch gauge and shall be of material and design suitable for liquefied petroleum gas service. Cast iron shall not be used. Vapor piping with operating pressures not exceeding 125 pounds per square inch gauge shall be designed for that pressure. Vapor piping over 125 pounds per square inch gauge shall have a working pressure of at least 250 pounds per square inch gauge. All valves, fittings, accessories and piping shall be protected from mechanical injury.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)