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An approved repair kit with all the necessary tools, appurtenances and material required to repair a leak or replace a defective valve or other part shall be kept in a location accessible to the tank car and outside the probable area of contamination.
A duplicate set of wrenches necessary to connect and disconnect all loading and unloading connections shall be kept in a readily accessible location at all times.
Gas masks, repair kit and duplicate wrenches shall be kept in a conspicuous location and shall be conspicuously labeled for immediate identification.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 149)
The provisions of this chapter relating to the generation of acetylene gas shall not apply to portable generators used exclusively for lighting, to generators used in connection with vehicle lighting, or to plants devoted to the manufacture and compression of dissolved acetylene for sale purposes.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
Acetylene generators shall be plainly marked with the maximum rate in cubic feet of acetylene per hour for which they are designed, the amount of carbide necessary for a single charge, the manufacturer's name and address, and the name and number or the type of machine.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
Printed warning and instruction cards provided by the maker shall be posted in a conspicuous position near the acetylene generator so that the operator may consult them conveniently from time to time.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)
Any necessary repairs to the generator system shall be made during daylight hours by natural light, or by the fixed lights in the generator room. The use of portable lights is strictly prohibited.
(Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 2-7-96, p. 15616)